"Need some help?" asked Sarah and Selena in synch, ready to jump up, they glanced at each other and let out a snort of laughter.

"No, no, by all means, stay put," said Molly at once, gesturing them to stay where they were.

"I'll help you, dear," Arthur set his paper down and got up after her, Remus and Tonks followed them and left their children alone, Harry and Ron climbed on the couch to take their places and started telling Sarah in whispers about what had been happening at Hogwarts.

Malfoy had joined the Death Eaters according to Harry, and Susan Bones had been cursed by a necklace. Everything was strange, part of some bigger picture they could quite grasp.

But that was it for the gloomy news, after Molly called them over for dinner, the evening turned cheerful, Molly had made Sarah's favorite cake for her birthday and they gifted her as tradition wished, only sweets this year and they honored it by spending the rest of the evening around the fire and catching up, laughing, having the wonderful moments she always had with everybody reunited, making it so much better now that she was with Fred as well.

"Oh, Freddie, if you could carry Sarah's bag up, the both of you'll set up in Charlie's room. Selena and Georgie are taking yours, Charlie dear, you can either bunk with Harry and Ron or take the bed up in the attic. And Bill, dearie, you and Fleur can set up in your room," said Molly in a hurry when she past them, she was carrying a load of towels, climbed up the stairs to set them in every room.

"Since when do couples get to stay in the same room?" asked Sarah, looking puzzled between everyone sitting in front of her.

"Since you two got together and we've become a majority," said George delightedly, "We argued the case before you got here."

Sarah nodded, a bit surprised but quite delighted as well, and Fred pressed a soft kiss on the side of her head before he got up.

"No funny business, I'm begging you," warned Charlie, pointing an accusatory finger at the both of them.

Fred raised a brow at him and didn't answer, he hurried up the stairs with Sarah's bag.

Charlie stared at Sarah, his eyes still silently begging and she smiled widely, "Relax, Charlie."

"Yeah, all right," he mumbled under his breath, "Anyway-"

He snapped out of his act and returned to his conversation, shortly after, Fred plopped back on the couch and returned to his position, arm around Sarah, George pulled out a pack of cards and the pleasant evening resumed.


Everyone slowly got up to their rooms, Sarah had dozed off on the couch when Fred gently tapped her arm and they got up to their room. Actually Charlie's, he'd made sure to reiterate that fact.

Sarah settled down with a book while Fred went to take a shower, too. When he came back, he plopped on the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist, slid his head between her arms that were holding the book, rested it on her chest.

"You okay, there, Weasley?" she chuckled softly and gently ran her fingers through his hair.

He nodded and breathed in and out deeply, "Perfect, now." He spent a while holding, his eyes following the pages she was turning.

Until he reached up to kiss her jaw and murmured, "I missed you. I know it was just three days, but I really missed you."

Sarah smiled, closed her book and cupped his face lovingly, "I really missed you, too, Freddie."

"What's your book about?" he asked, looking up at her.

A surprised frown drew on her face, "You're asking me- This is a first. You want something, don't you? Or you did something, do we need to pack up and leave?"

Marooned - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now