Chapter 19 | Titanic Problems

Start from the beginning

"Agumon!" Tai cried out as he stopped arguing with Y/n for a moment, and ran into towards the distortion catching everybody by surprise.

"Tai!" Kari yelled out as she saw her brother run into the distortion, as suddenly Y/n and Zubamon quickly followed suit. "Y/n!" To not fall behind to lose them both she entered the distortion as Gabumon followed them as well.

"Don't leave me behind!"


"Agumon, get back here!" Tai yelled as he exited the distortion only to fall flat on his butt, as the distortion was higher elevation than he had anticipated. "Ow..."

Y/n and Zubamon soon fell out of the distortion but were able to stick the landing as they saw Agumon just stare off into the trees as the butterfly flew away.

"Wah..." Agumon let out as he saw the butterfly fly away.

"Ahh!" Kari said as she started falling, and Y/n started getting ready to catch her.

"Don't worry I got gotcha!" Kari then fell into Y/n's arms as he was holding Kari in his arms bridal style. "You okay?"

"I am now~" Kari cooed as she snuggled into Y/n's chest making him blush as he turned away, as she enjoyed the close contact with her love partner.

Tai was rubbing dirt off his back, as he got up and sighed. He looked around him and saw that there were even more distortions that were opened up next to them.

"What the..." Tai said as suddenly walked out of the distortion to reveal that it was Matt, and Izzy with Ludomon, and Gomamon walking right behind them.



Ludomon ran towards Y/n and hugged his leg, as Y/n just smiled at him as he was still carrying Kari in his arms, but was trying his best to show affection to his partner.



Suddenly the rest of the Digidestined and the rest of the Digimon excluding Sora and Biyomon appeared out of the rest of the distortions as each of them began reuniting with their Digimon partners.

"Looks like the band's back together! All we just need is Sora-" Matt said as he petted Gabumon from the top of his head.

"Ahh!" A voice that sounded like Sora screamed out for help, The group and Digimon turned toward the direction of the scream as then...


A huge explosion appeared nearby them catching all of their attention. The group looked in shock before slowly coming back to their sense and running toward the scream of their friend.

The group kept running at an even pace pace with Y/n leading them all with Zubamon and Ludomon slowly behind him. As they drew near to the location of the screams they saw Machinedramon standing right in front of Sora who was protectively holding Biyomon and he was charging the two huge cannons on its back.

"Sora get out of the way!" Y/n yelled out as Gabumon and Matt appeared from behind them.

"Gabumon!" Matt said as he turned to his partner who nodded at him.

"Got it! Blue Blaster!" Gabumon said as he opened his mouth as large blue flames shot out of his mouth and made contact with Machindramon's attack splitting it in the middle making it miss Sora and Biymon.

"Huh? Y/n? Tai? Matt?" The three of them were now standing in front of Sora with their Digimon partners next to them, but Y/n then noticed something that stuck out like 

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