4 - Part of Your World...?

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 "Pfft, so he's like your babysitter?!" he laughs, showing his sharp teeth again.

You flush red with embarrassment, "Uh, I guess..."



The two of you turn back to the growing fight between the other two boys, which you had both been attempting to avoid dealing with.

"Hmm..." you think to yourself. "Hey, Kirishima-san, could you take Midoriya-san and like, run outside? And cover your ears and tell Midoriya-san to do the same."

"Huh?" he looks at you weirdly. "Uhh, okay...?"

He swiftly approaches the conflict, yanks Midoriya back, and leaves the building. You see them covering their ears and looking at you expectantly.

You take a deep breath.

This could be either a great idea to subdue the confused (and increasingly aggravated) blonde, or it could end up with you getting chased by a lot of people.

You try to make it quiet so that Bakugo would be the only person to hear.

On the vowel 'ahh', you sing a simple scale. It wasn't complex, and the only people who heard were you, Bakugo, and the poor cashier. You think to yourself in the back of your mind, 'Damn, I'm such a good singer...'

The explosion boy's eyes go distant, and so do the cashier's at the front.

"As you were," you instruct the cashier, hoping she would be a good reactor. Thankfully, she turned back to the register, though she looked dazed. She would be back to normal in about five minutes and everything would be fine.

"Follow," your voice resonated throughout Bakugo's body and he nodded silently and walked behind you.

You leave the restaurant after cleaning up the table quickly and throwing away your leftovers.

"I'm back," you sigh and gesture to the very confused boy behind you. "He's under the effects of my quirk right now, so I doubt he'll be much trouble. Shall I pass him off to you now?" I look at Kirishima.

"Wooah, that's what your quirk does?!" Midoriya's round eyes sparkle. "So cool!"

You shake my head, "Uh, no, not cool. Everyone reacts to my singing differently; it's... Complicated."

"Dude, he's totally blanked out!" Kirishima waves his hand in front of Bakugo's face.

Bakugo blinks hard as if he's trying to think but failing.

"The fuck...?" he mutters, squinting and swatting the air in an attempt to get Kirishima's hand away. "What's... Going on?"

You ignore him.

Midoriya's eyes are wide as he eagerly asks, "What was the other emotion you were talking about?! It can't be that embarrassing, right?"

"Uhh..." you turn away, failing to hide your flustered smirk. "Well, it's kind of like... They develop a praise kink...? But it's specific to me only."

Midoriya's face goes red. "O-Oh my..." he squeaks out.

"Yep, embarrassing," you sigh. "It doesn't go away after five minutes, either. Because the way my quirk works makes it kind of like an addictive substance. A drug, if you will. So if I happen to uh, enable the praise kink on accident or on purpose while they're under the effects of my quirk, anytime after that if I do it again it basically causes flashbacks to that feeling they had then... And like... Yeah..."

"Pffft, that's hilarious!!" Kirishima cackles, seeming to enjoy bullying Bakugo while he can't fight back. "He looks so docile! You should totally sing to him more and knock him out for longer!"

Siren (BNHA Reader/OC Insert | TodoDekuBaku x Reader/OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum