beautiful eyes

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Jimin wake up with a strong sun light hitting his eyes , he groans and look around and yes , everything is not a dream, he's still at the twilight pack , he gasps when he realize that he fell asleep last night without doing anything they adviced him to do , he quickly look at his body under the blanket , he's still wearing the clothes he wore when he move in yesterday

"I didnt wash up too??"  He asked and hit his forehead , he dont know what to do too , there's no bathroom inside his room , he cant go outside and he dont have his phone

"How unlucky , jiminie"  he said and sigh in deep

"Your highness"  someone said from outside

"Is it me? No, right? They wont call me like that here"  he whispers and hugged his knee

"Your highness , are you awake?"  The servant asked again  .. and this time , theres a knock from his door that made him jump from his position

"Y-yeah??"  Jimin asked and quickly sit proprerly
"Come in"  he said and gulps

The door opens and he saw a man with a bright smile ,he dont look like a servant but he's wearing the same color of robe from the women yesterday , a black red hanbok

jimin immediately feel at ease , atleast there's someone here who knows how to smile

"Your highness , im Kim Taehyung , i will guide you to the bath house now" 

Jimin's eyes sparks wide and forms a heart at the mention of bath , finally.

Jimin walks behind taehyung , following his steps

'is that him?'
'he still looks fine'
'did the King show mercy to him?'
'He's walking perfectly fine'

Jimin gulps hearing all the thoughts of the servants and officials on their way

"You smells stress , Your highness"  taehyung suddenly said without looking at him  , jimin is so amazed how taehyung dont have thoughts about him secretly

"Dont worry about me"  he said and taehyung just nods at him

They arrived at the said bath house and jimin forgot that taehyung mentioned the word house earlier , he's so excited to take a bath that he didnt expected that he will do it in this open and wide area

"Y-you want me to take a bath here?"  He asked and taehyung smiled at him  "yes , your highness" 

"N-no one will come?" Jimin asked

"N-no one will come?" Jimin asked

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"Do you want me to call someone to assist—

"No!! ..  i .. i mean , i just want to make sure no one will come while im here"  jimin clarifies

"You want to be alone?"  Taehyung asked and jimin nods

'but im here'  taehyung thought and tilt his head

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