Day 6 - Anna x Reader [morning]

Start from the beginning

Anna brushed her hair behind her ear and flushed lightly. "You don't have to be so..." She trailed off, unsure of how to finish her sentence. "I'm not fragile, and you don't have to treat me like I am."

You rolled onto your side to look at her intently. "I know you are not fragile. Anna, you're the strongest woman I've ever met in my life. You're extraordinary, so... I don't want to mess things up with us. I'm okay with taking it slow. With waiting a bit."

Anna stared at you for a moment then leaned in and pressed her lips delicately on yours. "Thank you."

Her words worried you for a moment, but you didn't speak up about it. You didn't want to tell her that what you were offering was the bare minimum. What she should have been getting all along. How you only wanted her to be treated the way she deserved. Like a goddess. Like a queen. Like someone's world. Your world.

"Of course," you whispered instead. Slowly, your hand drifted down her side, caressing her skin with a tenderness you hadn't been able to give anyone in a while.

When you reached her hip and felt the lacy fabric of her slip beneath your fingertips, you stopped. For a moment, you did nothing, only lingering and drawing small circles on her skin.

"Anna," you eventually whispered. "May I touch you?"

Anna smiled in response. "Yes," she murmured, slipping her arms around your neck and kissing you softly. "I don't understand why you ask every time."

"Because consent is sexy, darling," you cooed, and she giggled.

You reached down further and brushed her sensitivity through her underwear. She gasped, and you stopped immediately, but she shook her head.

"No, no, it's alright," Anna insisted. "Really, I'm fine."

She leaned in and kissed you gently to reassure you she was fine. Slowly, you tugged her slip down and brushed a finger through her folds. They were only somewhat slick. It was clear that the beginning of her arousal was only a few seconds ago. You didn't mind though. After all, it was still rather early in the morning.

Slowly, your lips lingered on hers while your fingers stroked her sex gently. You heard her breath catch a few times, but you didn't go further than what you were doing now.

Even though Anna wouldn't admit that she was fragile, she had been before. And in those moments, she'd been shattered instead of handled with care. You were determined not to be someone who shattered such a beautiful, kind, and genuine woman like Anna Clayton.

She gasped slightly as your fingers grazed her clit. You stopped again, and she looked at you earnestly. "Stop stopping," she insisted. "I'm fine."

As if to prove the truth of her words, Anna leaned in and kissed you softly. Her consistency gave you a bit more confidence, but you still wanted to be careful. So, after continuing with the same slow pace for a few more seconds, you began to touch her more intently.

Anna's arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer. Out of habit, you slipped a finger inside of her. She faltered for a moment, but her fingers quickly dug into the skin of your back to encourage you.

As you gently pumped her, Anna's breathing began to mimic the pace you were creating. She broke off from the kiss and pressed her forehead against yours. "You're so gentle," she whispered, and again you felt an ache for the pain this woman had endured.

"I will always be gentle with you, Anna," you replied, caressing her face with your free hand.

She smiled and kissed you again, and for a moment, you were both stuck like this in the sweet equilibrium between foreplay and her orgasm.

But of course, that's when you heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

Anna quickly drew back, her eyes wide. "Daisy's coming," she hissed.

You had a swear on the tip of your tongue, but at the frantic look in Anna's eyes, you started laughing quietly instead. You removed your hand from between her legs and pressed a final kiss to her lips.

"Relax," you murmured. "We weren't doing anything she needs to know about."

Anna nodded, but the knock on the door still made her jump. "Daisy?"

"Mom?" Daisy called back.

"What is it, love?" Anna asked, reaching down to pull her underwear back up her legs.

Daisy stepped into the room and glanced between her mom and you. "Oh, hi..." she greeted you hesitantly.

You sat up so she could see you still had your t-shirt on. "Hi, Daisy."

"Uh, Mom, you promised to drive me to the park today? I'm meeting Jenna."

Realization dawned on Anna's face. "Of course, darling. Just let us get dressed."

You didn't miss the way Anna incorporated both of you into her statement, and apparently, neither did Daisy.

"Okay, sounds good," the girl replied. She turned to leave, then paused for a moment. "But you guys should light a candle," she remarked on her way out. "It smells kind of funny in here."

Anna's face turned pink as the door shut behind her daughter. She quickly looked at you only to see a hand cupped over your mouth to keep in your laughter. The sight of you combined with the humor of the moment broke through the worry on her face, and she began giggling quietly as well.

"Come on, darling," you whispered after prying your hand off of your mouth. "Let's get dressed."

You and Anna kissed and giggled your way through getting ready.

The morning had been sweet, and one that you wanted to share with the woman beside you for the rest of your life.

with love from Eve Best x (Writober 2023)Where stories live. Discover now