Day 3 - Rhaenys x Reader [almost]

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PAIRING: Dom!Rhaenys x Sub!Reader


WARNINGS: smut, vaginal fingering, oral sex, pussy worship, praise, degradation, spanking, power exchange, mentions of anal sex

A/N: Once again, this is for faytalespy on Tumblr! I tried to get a bit deeper into the GoT world this time, but it was difficult because (don't get mad) I haven't watched HotD yet... There was more research than I care to admit put into this chapter. If anything is inaccurate, I apologize now 😅

And I maybe didn't listen to the entire prompt... this isn't an almost... this is an almost, hot finish, and then some...

Prompt ideas credit: ribbontales on Tumblr
shared desires: - sexual/smutty prompts
desperation: - angst, hurt/comfort prompts

I'm doing all prompts based on requests! Comment an Eve character x Reader or ship (Silrah, Rhaenys/Corlys, Rosaline/Jacob) and one of the words from the Tumblr links to read a chapter of your choosing! Happy Writober! :)


As a young woman in Westeros, the odds were stacked against you. Patriarchal standards were strong and consistently practiced by all the Great Houses and Crownlands. Females had such limited power that when one rose about the misogyny, it was hard to ignore.

That was how you'd first heard of Rhaenys Targaryen.

The princess' story was a legend for the women of Westeros. She'd been so close to becoming the Queen, the first woman to ever sit on the Iron Throne. It had broken your heart completely when you heard the news that she had been passed over for her male cousin, Viserys. Such a strong woman deserved to be queen. Yet by a unanimous vote, she was cast off.

But her marriage to Corlys Velaryon granted her the titles Lady of Driftmark and Lady of the Tides. And there was one other title she had earned — that the Great Council had unknowingly given her when she was rejected. One you heard whispered through the streets of King's Landing and cities across the Six Kingdoms when you traveled to the mainland. You hadn't dared let it pass from your lips, though. You believed her to be more than that.

Over the years, your relationship with her had grown significantly with being a descendant of House Celtigar of Claw Isle. Your family was falling to shambles, not having the greatest name after the things some of your ancestors did, but it was Princess Rhaenys who offered you an out.

She understood the complex ties of family and blood, so she'd taken pity on you and offered you a position at Driftmark. A lady's maid. A rather high-ranking lady's maid. You had very quickly accepted, and the two of you had grown close. Very close. So much so that your response to the letter currently in your hands was common practice now.

When you received a summons from the Queen Who Should Have Been, you never turned it down.

The way you privately referred to her was likely something the Lady of Driftmark wasn't even aware of, yet you still found yourself hoping it had some sway over her heart. You had truly grown to love her in your time near her.

You showed up to her chambers with your hair tied back and your heart racing. When you saw her note, you figured you knew what this summons was going to be about. After all, the message "I need to see you now. Come to my rooms." could only mean so many things...

Which is why it had been very much an intentional decision that you hadn't worn certain undergarments and were clothed in a deep red gown with a plunging neckline.

So when you knocked and Rhaenys opened the door mere moments later, her eyes widened at the sight of you, and she snared your wrist to pull you into her rooms. In no time, she shut and locked the door, then quickly turned back to you.

with love from Eve Best x (Writober 2023)Where stories live. Discover now