Day 2 - Silrah [mouth]

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PAIRING: Dom!Farah x Sub!Saul


WARNINGS: smut, slight impact play, oral sex, pussy worship, domfem, face riding, vaginal fingering

A/N: Plot? Who needs plot? 😳 👀 I'm sorry this is kind of short... and also late 😅 I knew I'd fall behind, but the second day? Really? Anyway, hopefully I can keep myself on track for the rest of the week... Thank you (again) to the lovely faytalespy on Tumblr for this suggestion too ;)

Prompt ideas credit: ribbontales on Tumblr
shared desires: - sexual/smutty prompts
desperation: - angst, hurt/comfort prompts

I'm doing all prompts based on requests! Comment an Eve character x Reader or ship (Silrah, Rhaenys/Corlys, Rosaline/Jacob) and one of the words from the Tumblr links to read a chapter of your choosing! Happy Writober! :)


Farah knew that the paperwork was important, which was why she was sitting at her desk, practically braindead, and still working on it. Damn Luna... she could really be a bitch sometimes with her demands. The Solarian queen's favorite pastime seemed to be sending Farah an unreasonable and entirely overwhelming amount of busy work. But the worst part: it was busy work that needed to be completed nonetheless. So here the headmistress was, in her office far later than she'd intended to be on a Friday night and signing another agreement form.

That was when Saul entered.

To make matters worse, she didn't even notice him until he was directly across from her desk. She had her head propped up on her fist and was steadily falling asleep.


The fairy jerked awake, suddenly alert while calling her magic to her in preparation, and looked up at him. She relaxed seeing it was only him.

"Saul," she replied, rubbing her face as if trying to erase the exhaustion from it. "What are you doing here?"

He frowned. "Farah, you've been cooped up in here the entire day. Have you even been outside?"

She closed her eyes and hummed absently. "Yes."

"Standing at the window doesn't count."

Farah's eyes opened and narrowed her gaze on him. "I've been busy, Saul. Luna has asked me to write a progress summary for Stella, give a report of Alfea's seasonal finances, and sign countless of these-"

Before the headmistress could react, Saul was rounding her desk and leaning down to capture her lips with his own. She relented and kissed him back, but within a few seconds, Farah drew away from him and arched her eyebrows. "Go on, Saul," she prompted. "What wicked scheme are you planning to distract me from my work now?"

The man in question chuckled. "Why tell you and ruin the surprise?" He pulled her from her chair and toward the secret bookcase that led to the undercroft.

Immediately, Farah frowned. He better not have planned taking her to see—

Suddenly, she was shoved back against the books and pinned there by Saul's hands on her waist. His mouth traveled slowly over her skin, pressing casual but heated kisses over the warming skin of her neck. He lingered at several spots, knowing just where Farah was sensitive, and trailed his tongue up the column of her throat.

A shallow gasp escaped Farah, and she inclined her head to the side to offer him more space. He gladly took it and began to massage her hips slowly with his hands.

"Fuck, Saul," his fairy moaned breathily. "This is not what I thought you had in mind."

Her back dug into the shelf behind her as he pressed her harder against it. She whined as the book's spines dug into hers, but she didn't push him away. Instead, she started to grind against his thigh through her dress.

with love from Eve Best x (Writober 2023)Where stories live. Discover now