Part 1

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"Have you memorized the names of all the students?",  I asked to the teenager standing in front of me. "Yes". he replied

  "I trust that you know not to let your hatred for him get in the way of your decision making",  "of course Acting Director Tsukishiro". "Then I will bid you farewell for now".

  With a nod the teenager turned away and made his way to the door. I had always known about the hatred the other generations harbored for Ayanokoji and I had hoped that the constant reminders of his accomplishments would motivate them. However, it seems that hatred may be their undoing and result in them making a foolish mistake that will cost them.

I don't expect them to defeat him, but act as a distraction for the actual plan because they stand no chance against him.

   I don't like using these words to describe things, but he really is a monster.

Ayanokoji POV

   The second year of my time at the ANHS had officially begun. Knowing that Tsukishiro is now an influential figure in the school board worries me slightly. Knowing what he is capable of, and what he can do with his position has me worried about what the up coming special exam could be.

   Of course there is always the white room students as well, that I will have to find and eliminate them before they have the chance to expel me.

   I made my way over to my class, being the first one there, I chose to sit in the back row, in the corner where I had sat last year. Slowly more students began making their way into the classroom, most of them were catching up with those they hadn't seen over the break.

   when Horikita arrived some students such as, Sudo and Kushida were in shock at her new haircut. I may have been as surprised as them, had I not known before hand. As commotion died down and Chabashira sensei made her way into the room, all eyes were on her.

   The one burning question on everyone's minds was, 'what would be the next special exam'. I my self was interested in knowing. "Right, I hope everyone had a good break, but now it's time to jump right in to the changes of this year."

  'changes', I thought, what could possibly be big enough that it had to be discussed, except for the obvious being the new digital board and the tablets that replaced the black board and text books.

"I would like everyone to open up their phones and download the 'Over All Abilities' app, once you have downloaded it, it should appear as OAA in your home screen."

I download the app and opened it up, I observed my OAA score. '57 huh' (I don't remember the exact scores so Ima just make some up). Your OAA seems to be comprised of categories that when combined would show your comprehensive ability.

  "Your OAA is comprised of 4 categories consisting of, Academic ability, physical ability, Adaptability, and Social contribution. Your overall ability is calculated with this formula."

  The formula AA+PA+A+SC x 0.5 appeared on the digital board. I was right then. It seems that this year they are trying to better monitor students progression.

   "With this app, you will be able to see any students OAA just by clicking on their profile. This directly correlates to the special exam that will take place."

   I had a bad feeling about what the special exam could be. Before I had a chance to act on this feeling Chabashira sensei spoke up once again, "The first special exam will be focused on you second years, along with the first years."

   "You will have to pick a 1st year partner and have a combined score of 500 or more. There will be 5 categories that you can earn a total of 100 points in each, as long as you and your partner can get to the 500 point goal, you can avoid expulsion."

Ayanokoji x Amasawa Book 1Where stories live. Discover now