chapter iv. first win of the season

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As promised, the boys had all come to support show their support for the girls first soccer game of the season. Which they had won, almost too easily, but not without both Lorelai and Carson getting a yellow card. And now, the group was all squished into a booth at a local diner, laughing over something stupid Johnny had said.

Lorelai was sat next to Rutger, as usual. She wasn't sure why or how, but Rutger had actually become one of her favourite people on campus. He kind of reminded her of Mark, but if you asked the girl why she was attracted to his personality, she'd rather die than tell the truth.

The two were currently sharing a plate of fries, listening as Adam mocked Carson over her penalty in the game, which could have been easily avoided if the girl didn't inhibit the anger issues she did. Carson, having enough of his teasing, opted to pushing the boy off the booth. The whole group erupted as he landed on the tiled flooring, sporting a sour face.

However, his spot was replaced by Luke Hughes, who was all too humoured by the bullying of his teammate. "Hey guys."

Lorelai's heart dropped, not because she didn't like Luke, she actually quite liked the hockey player. It was just, whenever one sophomore went, the other four usually weren't too far behind him. Her theory was proven correct when the rest of the house walked up to the booth.

Ethan was quick to shove past Nick in order to sit next to April, causing the side of the booth Lorelai was on to become almost suffocating. Rutger, obviously feeling the same, was quick to grab her by the waist and lift her onto his lap, creating more room.  

Mark watched the whole interaction, and Lorelai could practically feel his anger in the air. The knowing of him being upset was enough for a small smile to spread across her face, wrapping an arm around Rutger's neck.

"How may we help you?" Carson asked the Hughes boy beside her, both college students watching with large smiles as Adam grumbled something under his breath and got off the floor.

"We're going bowling, wanna come?" Ethan asked the group, slyly resting his arm on the back of the cushioned seat and therefore around April, who simply blushed at the interaction.

"Yes, I fucking love bowling." Luca exclaimed excitedly, reaching over to high five Nick, who seemed equally as excited. "How about you ladies?" Duke asked the four.

All eyes instantly fleeted to Lorelai, an action neither Ethan or Mark missed as they exchanged a look of their own. Lorelai knew this was going to happen, which is why she was quick to say, "I don't think you're prepared, Edwards." She shrugged.

"Yeah, okay Mendoza, why don't you put your money where your mouth is?"

Mark already knew what she was going to say, Lorelai had always been competitive. The girl simply shrugged before smiling, "you're on, ugly."


All girls stifled an eye roll as Ethan insisted on teaching April how to throw a bowling ball, which is why he was currently stood behind her, body flush against hers as he guided her arm. The ball flung down the alley, hitting down over half the pins. April jumped, wrapping her arms about Ethan as she celebrated.

"Gag." Carson coughed out, loud enough for the duo to hear. "Get a room." Luke copied her action, causing the two to break out into a laugh. Adam watched from the other side of the two, a scowl present on his face.

Clearly someone was having difficulty sharing.

It was then Lorelai's turn, Mark watched intently from his seat as Rutger whispered something in her ear before the girl got to her feet and walked to pick her ball. He guessed before she picked it up that she would choose the pink ball. He bets Rutger wasn't able to tell.

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