"Ah, so, 4º ESO"

Lauren nods for me as I simply frown, not yet fully understanding the Spanish school system. Mum and Keira had spent hours searching for the right school for me throughout the summer, tossing between going to a private or and international school. We hadn't really considered a state school, mainly due to the extra support I'd need with the language barrier. However, it was also important that I learnt Spanish, so this would need to be factored in as well. Eventually, we came to the conclusion that I should go to an international school, for a fair few reasons. Firstly, there would undoubtedly be plenty of English speaking students there, secondly, you could do GCSE's there and thirdly, the transition would be a lot easier from a school in England to a school in Spain. So here I was, sitting in the reception of a school in Barcelona, about to have my first day. I was the new kid. 

"Do you have any questions?" The headmaster asks as he finishes some sort of monologue he's been going on about for the past 5 minutes, looking straight at me.

"How many English kids are here?"

"Around 5% are English and 10% American, however you'll find nearly half of our students are fluent in English anyway. We have 75% Spanish pupils"

I nod, slightly relieved that there was plenty of English kids here, however the fact that I was still the new kid didn't let the stress of completely. He answers a few more of mum and Keira's questions while I zone out again, before I hear the conversation coming to an end and everyone stand up. I quickly stand up, and shake his outstretched hand, smiling.

"Ok, is that ok then? Whenever you're ready we can start your first day" Lauren smiles at me, indicating it was time for mum and Keira to leave. I felt my heart rate start to quicken again at the thought of this really happening, being left alone in this foreign school as I hugged both mum, then Keira, tightly and said my goodbyes. They both whispered their good lucks and promised they'd be here early at the end of the day, before I watched them head out the door and I was left alone with Lauren. 

"Ok, well, I guess I'll show you to your classroom then, you've been given all your books and equipment right?" She asks.

"Yeah" I nod.

"Let's go then" She leads me out the room and into a corridor. I recognise a few of the rooms and areas as we walk, from the couple of tours I had in advance to today.

"Do you play football like your mums?" She asks, clearly making an effort to strike up an easy conversation with me to make me feel more comfortable. 

"Yeah, I used to play at man city back in England but I haven't done my trials for Barca yet" 

"When do you have those?" 

"Next week, but I'm also trialling with a few other teams around, just in case" I shrug.

"I'm sure you'll get in, and I've heard you've played for England"

"Yeah, do you watch football?" I nod, not sure what else to say.

"I do actually, I must say I've been to a fair few of the men and women's barca games whilst I've been living here, although my girlfriend's still trying to teach me all the rules" I laugh slightly, as we stop outside a classroom door, "Ok, we're here, currently your class is in their English lesson, but I will introduce you to everyone, you ready?"

"I guess" I force a smile, my heart pounding in my chest.

She quickly raps on the door, then opens it, revealing a class of about 18 students sat in neat rows, all simultaneously looking up towards the open door. I follow Lauren into the room and stand in the corner, my eyes darting around the room. I could almost feel the burn from the 18 pairs of eyes all staring at me, so I quickly divert my eyes onto the suddenly very interesting floor. 

Maisie 'Baby' BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now