Chapter 4

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A Demon of a Woman /Sesshomaru Calls\*

Chapter 4

'Inuyasha, Shippo, Kirara-they are all different like me. Even Sesshomaru...most of all Sesshomaru. Whatever kind I am, it is the same as him...the enemy. And what if it's not just him, but his KIND, that is the enemy...would they try to kill me too?'

"Ye do not possess sacred jewels?" I shook my head for the umpteenth time. I couldn't believe this questioning was still going on. I couldn't believe I was still allowing it. I'm an adult and my own person-so why was I sitting here allowing them to interrogate me? "And I don't have to ask about scared powers. My intuitions have served me correct many time, and she is not of priesthood, nor will ever be." Kaede finished for the umpteenth time as well. "But as fate would have, she has still been led to the well between eras. If there is a purpose for ye, it will come with time." She concluded.

"IF. TIME. Those are two words I DON'T have TIME for. I can't be worrying about some helpless human that doesn't know a thing about anything when I'm trying to find Naraku." He growled, thumping his fist against the floor at the mention of the name 'Naraku'. "She has to go back!" He pointed a claw in m direction even though he was staring down the others.

"Again, I'm still here! And I can HEAR you!" I hollered at him, my blood slowly beginning to boil. "And another thing, you don't control me!" I got up from my seat with huff.

He jumped up, a bit dramatically, from his spot as well. "Too bad for you, cause it's not like you have a choice. I could have you back in your time already if I wanted, so just stay quiet and feel lucky that you're still here for the time being" He snapped.

"Inuyasha," Miroku called in a low tone, trying to get his attention without bringing too much attention to himself. ", you don't have to be so rude." He chastised. He wasn't the one yelling and threatening me, but a giant sweat drop still formed on his forehead as he took in my body shaking with anger.

"Corrine, please don't mind him. He just has a ban mixture of hardheaded and stubbornness, which as you can see is not a good combination." Sango commented, waving her hand as if to shove aside Inuyasha actions.

"No, I'm not! Stop talking about me or for me. She needs to go back and that's that!" He shouted with his finger in my face. His posture straightened, as if he was trying to look all high and mighty, standing higher than everyone with his demanding posture.

'I can't leave. Even if I'm too afraid to show them what I am, I just can't leave...I've come too close to leave this behind...'

"You think I'm gonna just sit around here for this and wait?" I growled quietly to myself, but of course Inuyasha still caught it. His ear twitched, and he snarled at me.

He could sneer at me and yell all he wanted, that wouldn't stop me from heading for the door. The heavy footfalls thudded on the ground with my quickening pace. I didn't waste a second and started jogging once I was out of the hut, making my way down the hill next to it.

"W-wait! Corrine, slow down!" Shippo cried out as I made a step forward to start running. But instead I came to an immediate stop. Shippo's voice was so close it caught me by surprise.

"Shippo?" I looked down at him, confused to see him holding onto my dress for dear life...upside down.

Dizzying swirls started to glaze over his eyes with the mixture of blood rushing to his head and the momentum of my leaving. I finally noticed his tiny foot which had managed to tangle in the lace of my dress, which had trapped him when I sped out of there.

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