After It's Said And Done (The Last Chapter)

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It's been two years... since Elizabeth's death. Shilo still remembers her vanilla scent, her beautiful brown eyes looking at her mother as she takes her last breathes. Shilo still remembered what a happy girl Elisabeth was before everything happened, how she would run and play. She looked almost like an angel already. And now she is one up in the heaven above watch her parents and brother. Wishing she was there. Even so. She's happy in heaven, there's no pain or bordon. It was quiet too.

"Do you ever miss her?" Mag asked Shilo, Shilo on the other hand was watching her son

"Liz? Of course I do. But I try not to think about her. For he's sake. And my own. " she smiled "I'll always miss my little Angel. And I'll always remember her too."

And just like that, she kept her promise. She always looked back on her beautiful daughter. Wondering if she's happy up there. In the land of no pain or sorrow. She always looks at the picture of her. The day she died. How happily she would give up life. For her family. And quite often Shilo wished she could switch places. But knew what happened was Destiny and couldn't be changed.

Graverobber xShilo (Repo! The Genetic Opera FanFiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now