(chapter 1) the attack

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one day the sun was shining and the flowers were blooming as two young kids watched their father perform sun breathing. Daddddddddd when will we learn something cool we have only been swinging swords and going up and down a mountain then you said we will finally be learning something cool but we just did a enhanced breathing technique. said a young girlwith black hair and pink eyes. Nezuko be patient please it will take some time okay.said tanjuro in a calm but sick tone. fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. complained a annoyed nezuko. O nēchan(big sister) be patient please will learn it one day but for now we need to follow dad. said a big smiling face. okay tanjiro. nezuko said in response to her Otōto(little brother) a few years later

tanjiro you cant go out like that you have dirt on your face(after wiping the dirt off his face)tanjiro I am coming with you. said nezuko. fine. tanjiro said knowing he had no say. BYE GUYS. nezuko I am done selling coal. tanjiro told nezuko. okay head up I will coming back up soon. said a not so angry nezuko

2 hours later(because I can)

nezuko pov:

I was walking up the mountain. don't go up there it's dark out the demons are going to start coming out . yelled sabero(I made a name wow) okay I guess . when i got in we had diner and went to sleep

It's 11:15 I am tired so part two is coming soon have a great day/night/morning/afternoon/night. bye stay safe . word count: 257


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