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(writers note: sorry for the long break. the fic is regularly being worked on, but i normally go through multiple drafts before i'm happy that everything works (and im a real slow writer lol). thanks for reading <3)


Moxy and Nolan strolled through the winding streets of Imperfection, taking in the busy yet cozy atmosphere. Moxy carried the conversation for the most part, gushing about her recent getaway, all the while pointing out shops that she had never been to or new treats at old favourites. After a while, they noticed numerous posters being pinned at every corner, trees, poles- all to the confusion of the brunet. Nolan found the poster perpetrator pinning down the last poster on a tree.

"Hiya Tuesday!" Moxy waved, catching the attention of the ditsy doll.

"Moxy, Nolan! Hi!" Tuesday turned to greet them, her short blue hair swishing behind her. She held up the poster she was pinning. "You like these posters? I'm pretty proud of them! They're for the boat race."

"Uhmm... The boat race?" Nolan questioned, looking at the poster before him.

"You don't know? Apparently, it's a tradition for the uglydolls to host some boat races when the weather is juuust right. ...I think."

"You think right!" Moxy exclaimed, "We've been anticipating this race for a while now. Nolan, you saw how quiet the docks were this morning, right?"

Nolan nodded. "Yes?"

"That was because everyone was preparing for the race elsewhere. We had the docks cleared for the race this afternoon."

Ah, so that's why it was so unusually tranquil. He surmised that the few boats he saw were probably dolls testing them out, then.

A low roar of talking and laughter began to roll across the institute, making Moxy grin in cheerful anticipation. "Seems like the races are beginning soon, let's go check it out!"


"Where are these meant to go?"

For the past few hours, Lou had been traveling back and forth between Ice Bat's house and the docks with a variety of crates filled with boat-related items he had no clue about. The robot dog only followed him, seeming rather amused at just watching him lumber back and forth instead of helping. This was quite usual behaviour.

Lou quickly tossed his head back, attempting to get his wavy fringe out of his line of sight. It was already difficult enough navigating the large box without anything further impeding his vision.

"Let's see... Over there perhaps?" The blue bat flicked her wing over to the edge of the docks. "Yeah. Over there would be good."

Lou nodded as he carefully made his way through the crowd of dolls who were congregating for the upcoming race. And as he passed, as always, he gained the disdainful glare of the dolls, something that he tried to pay no attention to.

He made his way to the edge of the dock, where the water met the wooden planks beneath his feet. A light spray of misty water ruffled his hair as he deftly dropped the crate onto one of several others already stacked there. Meanwhile, Ice bat flimsily flew towards him, landing on one of the crates.

"Right! You're nearly done."

"Nearly?" Lou repeated irritably, "How many more are there?"

"Hmm... At least five?" Ice bat shrugged, much to the dismay of the blond.

"Uhm. Need some help?"

The two turned to see Nolan cautiously walking across the docks, attempting to not trip on any of the clumped supplies.

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