The worst then best day ever

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A/n today is the daY

I woke up and looked around I was in Sam's bed cuddling here then the memories can rushing in
Chug chug chug chug cough

Just let me finish this


:*:End of flashbacks:*:
Omg I said I love her and she said it back then I look around Sam was cuddling me on her phone then she saw me"oh hey ash good morning morning" then she hopped up get got dressed and threw me my clothes "thanks" then I jumped (looking like I flew to the bathroom) ran to the bathroom and threw up"SHIT ASH U GOOD" Sam came running in and held my hair back"yea thx ok your sure yea can we just lie in bed all day ofc ty

Sam order lunch & we lied in be all day

(Time skip brought to you by the amazing sexy Sam Kerr)

I was on call with Caitlin then Sam came in We were hugging until I told my self it was time to tell her

Now I have something I need to tell you"I told the girl as I stayed in the hug not wanting to move right now.

You can tell me whatever you need to.I'm always going to be here for you I'm not going to leave you anything soon."Sam told me with a smile as she removed her arm from her place on my shoulder.

"So,oh god I don't know how to say any of this."I mostly spoke to my self here as I struggled with my words.

"Take your time we are in no rush." Sam told me as I felt her hand rubbing up & down my back in a continuous motion.

Right I've basically prepped most of this with Caitlin cos she was on call to me about 5 minutes ago, cos we all know how shit I am with my words."I told Sam rushing my words a bit.

You're the worst."Sam told me with a smile."so why don't I tell you."

I relaxed a bit more, because as much as I wanted to tell Sam, I wanted her to tell me what was going on with us form her side.And it was taking weight off of my shoulders.

I just nodded as I now placed an arm around her waist,Sam's arm still loosely placed around my shoulders.

"When you smile, I can't help just keep my eyes on you and it makes me smile so much." Sam added and I blushed hearing her words

"You never once made me change who I am, never forced me into anything, and never let me lose myself to my own I went to do every in our friendship."Sam continues to tell me as I nodded and I just listened to Sam's words.

"I have never met someone who understands me and is so kind & genuine."Sam added while I smiled hearing her say this.

"God I don't like this."I told sam.

"Why?" Sam asked me as she made me look into her eyes.
You make me so fucking nervous. Like I have a frog in my throat all day every day." Told the girl shaking my head."butterflies in my stomach."I added

I never met someone so secure and loved in someone's presence before. You have always been there for me and I can never thank you enough for doing all of it." Sam continued as she listened to me and she smiled after hearing my words. The smile on both of our faces grew.

"What if I told you I love you?" Sam told me as I slowly looked into her eyes with a teeny tiny smile as she had her hand on my jaw line.

"I would tell you I love you." I quietly told Sam

"And I do love you."

"Not just as a friend." Sam ask as she ran a hand  through my hair.

"Never just as a friend." I told Sam quietly as I nodded at her words. "Never."

"What about you though." I asked Sam as I got nervous about her answer.

"Well if my question didn't make it clear enough." Sam told me as our faces come closer & closer until we kiss but it a special kiss also it was a lil make out session then we parted a tiny bit

"I love you." Sam told me as I closed my eyes & took my face away from hers and I rested it on her shoulder

But I reset my chin on it and as I went to talk, Sam suddenly knew what I was going to ask. Like magic.

"Never just as a best friend, you've never just been my best friend." She told me as she kissed the top of my head.


〰️➰Just yours〰️➰Sam Kerr x reader ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now