"Where are we even going?" She ask, but then was a bit startled when Shidou slips his hand to hold hers.

"You'll see." Satomi felt her cheeks flush pink, to which Shidou found amusing. He never thought she was capable of having cute reactions like that.

A few minutes later, the two arrived at the same mall where they've gone out with the guys. Shidou then led them to a unique cafe with leather bound books displayed at the entrance. As they entered the place, Satomi saw even more books. It's like it was a fancy library which also serves coffee and pastries.

Her eyebrows raised as she looks at the male beside her. "I didn't know you love to read, Shidou."

The male let out a small chuckle. "Oh I don't. I just saw you eye this store when we walked past it the other day but you didn't say anything." Satomi was a bit surprised upon hearing him, was he really that observant?

A small smile appears on her lips, and he did not fail to notice it.

Shidou ordered the coffee for both of them. Both talked about random things about soccer as they patiently wait for their order.

"Was it true? You never lost atleast one match?" He ask, remembering the day outside that stadium.

Satomi's expression didn't falter. "Of course. I never lost to anything, nor I ever will." She states calmly which Shidou couldn't help but get attracted to her even more.

"Still. You never know, Satomi-chan."  Shidou carefreely shrug making Satomi glance at him.

"Losing comes from making mistakes, wrong judgements, miscalculations. But if you knew the basics, you'd be able to avoid them."

Shidou hummed, he remembers a certain game upon listening to Satomi. "Soccer isn't like Shogi."

"Basketball, Soccer, they aren't any different from Shogi. The possibilities of  every movement are predictable, it's up to you on what choices you're going to make." Shidou couldn't remove his gaze off the pink haired female as she uttered those words.

"Please marry me."

"Aren't we already over this?"

"I told you, the offer still stands."


Their orders finally arrived. Shidou had Spanish latte and Satomi a cafe latte. While Satomi said she didn't need any pastries, Shidou still bought her a slice of strawberries short cake. She didn't expect to love it.

Satomi noticed Shidou went silent, which was slightly unusual.

She realized he was resting his cheek against his wrist staring at her with a soft gaze while ate. The girl felt a bit conscious, and of course, Satomi got the wrong idea.

"Would you....like some?" Satomi offers her strawberry cake, making Shidou a bit surprised. She thought.....I was after her cake...?

He internally chuckled, and decided to just go with it. "Sure, but only if you feed it to me."

Satomi raised a brow. "Can't you feed yourself?"

Shidou fakes a groan. "Ah, but my arms are so sore from traning," He lied of course. They don't even use their arms a lot playing soccer. Unlike basketball or volleyball that is.

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