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The members shot their eyes towards their former Captain.

"Akashi-san." Furihata's jaw literally dropped upon hearing Kuroko.

T-this is the captain of generation of miracles...?!!!

Akashi Satomi..!!

Just as Shidou was about to run (dive) towards the pink haired female, a hand held the back of his collar, halting his steps. The blonde immediately glared at Bachira.

"I wouldn't do that if I were 'ya. Trust me." Bachira still had his playful smile intact. But there was something different compared to what he usually is.

If Tomi-chan gathered all the members of gom here today, there must be a reason.

Isagi also stood from his seat, but he couldn't move any further. His eyes never left the pink haired female infront of him, so many questions swirling in his mind. Why does Satomi-chan looks different..? And those eyes...why can't I recognize her....? And Bachira.... he's not even making one step towards Satomi.

"Daiki, Ryota, Shintaro, Atsushi, and Tetsuya." Satomi called out.

"I'm glad to see you all again. I'm deeply moved we were all able to meet." Everyone who could hear her tone could hardly tell if she's telling the truth.

"However, there's people in here who doesn't belong. I wish only to speak with my former teammates right now.

Sorry, but could you all leave?"

The others couldn't felt but freeze with that statement. Her tone was commanding. Furihata visibly stiffened to where he was standing as if he was nailed to the concrete.

Kise poured Yukimiya an apologetic look, to which he only replies with a nod. It wasn't their fault being here, however Kise felt a bit responsible for that.

They weren't that near at all. However, Satomi did not want them around the area. And she made it very clear.

Bachira only smiled. "You heard the woman." He spoke in a low tone as he tried so hard to pull together his team mates without causing any ruckus but they weren't much of a help. They didn't wanna leave out of nowhere. Why would they?

"Are you serious Bachira?" Reo whispered. He didn't even know why he was whispering he just felt he had to.

That moment, Furihata met Akashi's gaze and lost control with his legs which were now shaking. I wish I could leave.....but I can't move...!

Kuroko noticed the discomfort his team mate felt. "Furihata-kun,"

"You're no fun. Don't exclude us." Just then, a hand tapped Furihata's shoulder. He was surprised to say the least.

Everyone 's eyes shot at the new comer who just broken the ice. A tall red haired male with slight tanned skin.


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