Start from the beginning

" alright alright I do" Childe admitted, " wheres dad?" Childe added, looking around the very warm home

" he's up stairs, he must be sleeping, his condition is not getting better..." Childe's mothers lips turned into frowns as she stated the conditions

" oh. Let's go" Childe signalled to you.

" quietly though! He doesn't like loud noises!" Teucer shushed his older brother

Childe smiled, " I will" Childe promised, guiding your sense of direction with his hands upstairs

" quite now" Childe hushed to you as he slowly opened a room in the corner. You nodded in response as the room revealed a man quietly sleeping

Childe moved around the room, gathering two pairs of chairs to the side of the man's bed

You sit quietly as Childe did everything, quietly checking the temperature of his father

" dad..." Childe mumbled in attempts to awake the man from his slumber. It did work as he stirred awake

" that's sounds familiar...Ajax?" The voice groaned, the figure sitting upwards

" it's me..how have you been" Childe tried thinking of words to say. You felt the situation tense as Childe stared at his fathers condition

" I've been...well..and who might you be?" His father squinted his vision so he could see you better

" hello sir, I'm Ajax's....girlfriend" you stand up and bow to show your respects

" she is" Childe agreed as you sat down

" it appears..you are pretty, son you have scored with this one" you smiled widely at the comment, "yes she is" Childe stared back at you with admiration 

" thank you for visiting..I know you celebrities are very busy.." the father coughed out

" oh no, the pleasure is all mine. It was truely a honour to come here to visit you" you used your sweet words

Childe's father gave a nod of approval to Childe, " so how are the marriage plans?"

M O N T H S  L A T E R

" Are you excited?" Lumine clung onto your arm. You breathe in heavily, not knowing what to expect as the reporter was about to announce the awards

" well yeah I am. Hopefully I win something" you honestly reply, shifting in your seat.

You look around your table. Anxious as the seat in front of you was empty

" I mean you have too! Our show was a big hit and have you see the comments? They love you!" Lumine cheered you on. She always gave you the right confident boost

" thank you" you smile, distracting your mind as you awaited for the  announcement.

" here it is!" Yelan commented seeing the reporter take the envelope. You held your breath as all cameras were on you.

" and the best actress award goes to...

[y/n] [l/n]!"

You couldn't believe your ears as a round of applause filled your ears, " I told you!" Lumine pointed out

" I can't believe it!" You look at both Lumine and Yelan. You watched your step walking to the stage

" here you go" the reporter gave you the gold award. Everything felt like a fever dream. The whole day felt unreal to you

You breathe in heavily as you were put in front of the microphone to say your speech. If you are being honest you didn't rehearse your speech because you didn't really think you would win the award

" this is going to come off as cheesy but.. I thank everyone for this. The whole staff who made the show I starred in was amazing" you start off. Your eyes glancing to the table you sat at

" and I thank you all again!" You continued, emphasising your point with your hands as everyone roared in excitement to you. You look in the crowd and felt a sense of sadness

Your eyes glance at the seat that was empty. Childe had stayed back in his home land and you weren't sure if he was coming or not

" I have one more special person to thank for this" you point out, smiling widely

" Childe. Wherever you are. Thank you for comforting me and bringing me happy times. Because of you, you pushed me to be the best actress I can be. " you raised your award for him. The crowd clapping and cheering for you

" your welcome." You heard behind you.

You were shocked  upon hearing the voice. It made you turn around straight away and there you saw him. It was Childe.

" Childe?" You murmur, shaking in disbelief

" [y/n]" Childe replied, walking up to you as he held you by your waist, " congrats" he murmured, giving you a quick peck on the lips

You laugh and stare back at the crowd, " really in front of the crowd?" You joke as the audience laughed along with you

" let's give another round of applause!" The reporter finalised as Childe accompanied you on stage. The crowd was all in awe at you two

" I love you" Childe replied amongst all the noise. When you stared into his eyes, it felt like it was just you and him alone. Together.

" me too, not in a platonic way" you express, embracing Childe into a hug.


thank you so much for reading. As always I will make a new book so this won't be the last of me. I thank you for reading again because honestly I felt as if this book was getting repetitive and boring. But either way, I really hope you have an amazing day. creator

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