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I stood there holding her in my arms, she was one of my beloved students, she never created troubles for other and do what I said. She was a kind hearted one who can even put her life in danger to help other. Yet, how can someone think to bring harm to her.

She was lying on my arms motionless, my heart bleeds, no matter what I did she not move, my mind clouded with regrets.

"Please don't go!" her words, I remember them. She was trying to stop me from taking part in the war, yet I did.

I feel rage, not on the culprit, but on my naivety, why I didn't listen to her? If-I-may, this may not happened to her.

I looked at her face for the last time before I put her down, I removed my mask *Tap* a sound come, a water drop was on her face, I rubbed it off caressing her check.

"I can't ask for forgiveness, but let me revenge your death... Chloe!" My words became void of emotion, they lack the loudness to be heard, but I still keep talking to her. In the end, I put my mask on her face, it's the last gift from me to her.

The white glow engulfed her body as she dematerialized in small light particle to be soon faded away. May be this is the moment when she leaped back in the time, I remembered her tells. And for a sec I feel relief.


But that's mean I will never meet her again, she was in the past, out of my reach, she may be safe but to me she does not exist, she was taken away from me by him, the realization hit me as well as the rage with it.

As I stood up my sight falls to the one in front of me, "You will pay for it, Guy crimson." My voice was cold, it was not me but my blood thirst that got best of me

This war had taken everything that I had, my friend, my subordinate, my people, my kingdom and even my... beloved students, I WANT TO KNOW WHY?

"...why?why?why? WHY?!!!" I can't hold back myself form shouting. He may be the first demon lord, he may possessed more power than anyone... but that's not mean he can take anything he want.

"You ask why? Who you think you are? You slime." Guy said, he tried to threaten me with his tone, but I'm not.

"Death!" my word pissed him off, I can clearly see it, I no more care what will happen to me, I just want to take him down... even if it's mean at the cost of my life.

"What you said?!!" he leaped at me, his sword unsheathed, he aimed for my neck, perhaps he wanted to end this quick.


But I can't allow it, in its path it meet with my pitch black katana. The clash created a huge shock wave clearing the 50m radius area around us. The pressure compelled me against the ground, a curvature formed beneath my foot.


"You little!!" Guy shouted, he never thought that a mere slime can ever hope to block his sword. He leaped back immediately to prepare another attack, this time he imbued his sword with his aura.

Well I do the same, soon we started to exchange sword strikes with each other, our battle grows even more intense, we moved at immense speed that the onlooker can only see red and blue light streak.

Each swing carries a force to annihilate a mountain. In no time, the battle is on the spot light, everyone in the radius of 5km can feel an insane pressure, the war come to a pause as their attention shifted to us as we continue to fight.

How came to be a mere slime can keep up to my strength, it should not be possible. Does he have an ultimate skill? -- Guy thought.

As I continue to battle, there was an easy as if he is stated to hold back, but why? Or rather it was me who is growing stronger as I fight. Still I can't manage to land a single clean blow.

I was covered in many cuts and brushes, my regeneration was unaffected against the damage he inflicts, and well at the same time he doesn't have a single scratch.

I in my rage had lost the elegance, there was no such thing as defense to me, all I did was attack him blindly like a beast, it's hard to accept... but that's where I lost to him.

After all, what will you expect from the first demon lord? I was still standing there because my strong hatred towards him and resilience to not give up.

"You did well lasting this long against me..." he recognizing my strength, and may had noticed that I'm wearing out, those wounds are starting to show their effect, why not they are inflicted by coating haki.

"... but this is your end." He said, he thrust his sword in my way, I tried to deflect it but I failed.


"Aaa..." I groaned in pain even tho' I had pain nullification, perhaps it was attack on my soul, he pierced my chest.

I feel dizzy, my legs collapse and I hit the ground, he removed his sword from my chest. Is this is how it's come to an end, I failed to protect, I failed to take revenge, I failed to achieve their wishes, what a big idiot I am.

It's getting dark, can I will be able to show my face to them in the DEATH. "Fear well slime!!" I saw his back, he is leaving after hunting down his prey.

*SHATTERED* A sudden ear deafening sound resonated throughout the sky, cracks started to appear in atmosphere, I can't understand what happened.

*Rooooooar* a loud roar resounded coming out of the crack.

My sight went dark, my sense become useless, I feel an uncertain feeling growing inside me, perhaps this is how it's felt to die.




<< Master>>

It was a familiar voice that echoed in Rimuru's head, he was confused, how can he hear her? His senses return back to him and he opened his eye lid.

The light entered in his eyes, it was blank until images started to form, he found himself surrounded by trees lying on the ground, he can't understand what is happening to him.

He feel something soft beneath him, he take a hold of it and put his hand in front of his face. "Its snow." He was on a snow bed as he observed whole forest covered with it.

<<Master! You finally wake up.>> A monotonies voice echoed in his head, she may lack the expression in her words, but she can feel an inexpressible joy in her core.

"Raphael?" he was not certain about it identity, so he rather choice to ask with a questioning tone.

<<Did master forget about me?>>Raphael asks.

"No, but what you mean by that?" he reply.

<<Then elaborate, why does master didn't responded to my call for aid?>>

It was a tough question for Rimuru, he can't think of any reason, at that situation the only thing that was in his mind is the rage and regret of losing Chloe.

"I don't know." His word were cold, somewhere it has reminded him of what he had lost and where he stand now.

<<Master are you crying?>>

"No, it's just nothing." Rimuru said, he rubbed off the tears from his face. "Just promise me, you will never leave me alone."

<<If that's what master want, Raphael will do it.>> if she had possessed a body, it well be a sight to see, her saying that.

"Thank you"


End of chapter

hello everyone, So here its , a brand new chapter for you guys, hope you guys like the new chapter. Well I was just getting board after ending the 'rimuru in the shadow', so I decided to continue my old story, that for some reason I can't continue.

There is a lot of things that going to be change than what I first deemed but it does not matter now, It will be little different than what you may have previously read.

So keep following the story or you will lose the track, have a good day...bye~bye~~

Rimuru - The Alternative Time Line (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now