Chapter 1- Team-bonding

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Harley Povs-

I bolted into the teams changing room, as I was already late for training. Everyone's heads turned to face me
"Morning" I smiled to everyone
"Bit late?" Beth teased
"Just a little bit" I laughed making my way over to my cubby
I got changed and talked with Leah and Beth for a little while before making my way out to training

"Morning girls! Today we have a new signing joint is today. Most of you know her, especially if you play on the England team and I'm definitely sure that all of you saw the transfer rumours around her. So if you haven't guessed it already Alessia Russo will be our new addition to the team. She won't be training today but will be out watching you guys today so best behaviours today, Harley..." Jonas said

I shot my head up and looked at him shocked
"Coach I'm the best behaved here!" I said
"So best behaved is hiding in the cupboards during gym sessions trying to scare the girls?" Jonas teased
"That was one time" I rolled my eyes laughing
"Do you want me to carry on with the list...
you decided to lock the canteen doors so no one could get into the room during lunch yesterday, you tried to spray people with water two days ago as they came out of the changing rooms... oh and you-"

"Okayyyyy, when you say it like that, that does sound bad" I laughed looking down at the floor

Kim put her arm around my shoulder and said "if we didn't have Harley, the changing rooms would be pretty boring" she said making everyone laugh

We got on with the training session. As we were coming to the end I saw Alessia Russo walk out of the building and up to the training pitches. I was closes to her and jonas so he decided to pull me for a chat with Alessia and himself

I walked over and shook hands with Alessia
"Nice to meet you" I smiled at her "nice to meet you too" she said back

"Alessia this is Harley our youngest player on the team" jonas said

"I'll let you finish early if you show Alessia to the changing room and point out where her cubby is Harley" jonas added

I smiled at him and took my bib off and handing it to him

"so the changing rooms are this way" i said longing behind her as I walked to them

"How was the travel down to London?" I asked her politely

"Long but happy I'm here now" she smiled at me

"Good, I remember when I had to move down to London from Yorkshire, wasn't the easiest" i laughed, pushing the door open to the actual building

I held the door open for Alessia and then walked in after her

"So the changing rooms are just here" I opened the door to the room
"We could have tided it for you, sorry about that" I laughed awkwardly
"Don't worry about it, united changed rooms were even worse" Alessia said touching my shoulder with her hand
"So this is your cubby" I walked to the one opposite mine
"Have you already got your kit?" I asked
"Yeah it's in my bag"
"Ahh okay so just put that in here" I said pointing to the cupboard at the top of the cubby
"Then your shoes go under here" pointing at the shoe rack hidden underneath the cubby
"And that's about it" i sat down in the funny next to hers
"Thank you" Alessia smiled down at me

Shortly after the girls walked in from training, I moved to my cubby and started to get my normal clothes on since we were having lunch then going home.

I changed into a cream Nike tracksuit. Once done I sat down in my cubby and went on my phone.

I clicked onto Instagram and saw the announcement video for Alessia, I followed Alessia on Instagram since she was a gunner now.

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