One taking care of the other <3

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TW(trigger warning): mentions of v0m1t1ng!!! if you aren't comfy with this then you are free to not read this oneshot! If you still would like to read it, read with caution, please! <3

It was 7:52 AM. Alex was out running some errands, while Jay was home alone, feeling extremely unwell. He spent his entire morning puking. His body was trembling and he felt weak and exhausted.

" Ughh.. When will this hell end..? " Jay thought to himself.

Jay closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. When he woke up, a voice was calling out to him. It was Alex's.

" Jay? You look really pale... Are you okay? Please wake up.. "

Jay slowly opened his eyes just to see Alex looking more worried than ever.

" M-mmh.. A-lex..? " Jay said in a weak voice.

" Honey, are you okay..?? What happened while I was gone..!? " Alex asked, trying not to panic.

" A-all I can remember is.. me throwing up and having the worst stomach ache of my life... " Jay answered.

" Okay, umm.. Let me take you to our bed so you can be more comfortable, and so you can rest. After that, I'll get you some water, alright? "

" Okay.. "

Alex scooped up Jay into his arms and carried him to their bed, laid him down gently, and put a blanket over him. Alex then exited the room to get Jay some water. While he did that, Jay slowly sat up, waiting for Alex to come back.

" Why is this happening to me? How could I have gotten sick...? " Jay thought.

Alex came back in with a glass of water and walked toward Jay.

" Here you go, sweetheart. Let me know if you need anything else, okay hun? " Alex said as he handed Jay the glass of water.

" Thanks, but- I'm fine, Alex. "

" No you aren't. You can't just tell me that you vomited, and then say that you're fine. You need to rest. Let me take care of you. "

" But, you have stuff to do- "

" All of that can wait. Right now, I want to make sure you're okay. You are way more important. "

Jay sighed a little.

" Okay, fineee.. "

Alex smiled.

" I'll be in the living room if you need me, Jaybird. I'd suggest you take a nap in a little bit. "

" I might. "

" You better. "

Alex kissed Jay on the cheek and left the room. As he was leaving, he made sure the door was open a bit, just in case.

" Goddamn, I love that man. " Jay said to himself in his head.

A few minutes later Jay went on a rant in his head about how much he loved Alex and how perfect he is, while taking small sips of water to keep the fluids down.

Eventually, Jay slowly laid down and decided to take a nap, like how Alex wanted him to since it's probably best for him. Jay shut his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Almost an hour later, Jay woke up from his nap in Alex's arms. Jay smiled and blushed a little as he went back to sleep.


[Hi hi!! Sorry this was short af :( I unfortunately had to rush it since I have school keeping me busy most of the time + no motivation, but don't you worry, dear reader! I'll be sure to make a oneshot that will hopefully be longer than this!! It's gonna take a little but I'll do my best to work on em! ty 4 readin & hope you liked this oneshot<33]

btw if you're one of my friends reading this.... ILY!!! <3

Alex Kralie x Jay Merrick (Jaylex) Oneshots! || Marble HornetsWhere stories live. Discover now