"You wish Nishimura. I watch the game because of my best friend." 


Yuma and Mina were sitting in the outdoor bench waiting for Hitomi. "Why is she so late? She lives closer than either of us." Mina boredly complained. 

"I know right. But usually it's you who's late, tho. Wait! She's there!" Yuma stood up and was about to start running towards her, until Mina stopped him by grapping his shoulder. He looked at her in confusion.

"Isn't that Niki? The one besides her." Mina inquired and pointed at Hitomi's direction. Yuma looked back and saw the same. "Oh my gosh, you're right." He lowered his voice and gazed at Mina in disbelief.

"I always knew there was something between them." She stated in excitement.

"What? What do you mean?" Yuma inquired. He said the same thing as well, but since he isn't in the same class as Hitomi and Niki, he may not have seen everything.

Mina hit his soulder, "It's obvious, let's just go." She pulled him inside the building so Hitomi wouldn't see them.


Hitomi roamed around the corridor to find her friends, because she though they'd wait her, but she didn't see them anywhere. After a while she spotted them and approached Mina and Yuma from the corridor. "Here you are, I though you'd wait for me." 

"Umm, we um, we waited here instead, it was cold outside." Mina hesitantly explained. Hitomi furrowed her eyebrows in suspicion, "There wasn't that cold.." 

"Well.." While Mina stuttered for an answer Hitomi looked at Yuma who was gazing the ceiling and trying not to catch any eyecontact. 

"Why are you being so weird today?" Hitomi inquired while glancing them alternately. 

"What?! Weird?" They simultaneosly speaked.

"Forget about it, let's just go to class." Hitomi said and started her way to the class. 

"Why did you act so weird?!"  Mina enquired while whispering.

"Me? You were the one stammering!" Yuma assured.

"Well you didn't say anything at all!"

Hitomi cut their quiet debate when they weren't following her yet, "Are you coming?" 



The bell rang and as a result the ruckus filled the classroom when everyone started packing their stuff. Hitomi who flinched to the sound rubbed her eyes in tiredness. 

Did I doze off?

"Yeah, that's it for this class! Don't forget the soccer game in the afternoon. Let's cheer our school's amazing soccer team sincerly!"  Ms. Kimura reminded and dismissed the class. Mina turned around from the desk in front of Hitomi and asked, "Are you going to go watch the game?" 

"Of course, I am. I need to cheer Yuma." 

"So unfair. I have to babysit my little sister."

Hitomi raised her gaze and looked Mina in abashment, "Wait. So you aren't coming?"

"I'd want to. But I really can't.." Mina sulked.

"That sucks. Anyway. Let's go now."  They both stood up from their desks and headed out of the classroom.


It was about 4:00PM and the game starts in half an hour. Hitomi decided to go see Yuma because Mina had to go home, so she was alone. She approached the soccer field. There wasn't many people yet. The opponent team hasn't arrived yet since they come from another school. She saw their team stretching and exercising on the field. Yuma was doing push ups when she interrupted him, "Hey."

Yuma looked to see who it was and stood up. "You're here." He said while panting a little.

"Did you just do push ups?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes, why?"

"I didn't know you could do ones.." She sarcastically doubted.

"Well I've gotten a lot better with his coaching." Yuma pointed at Niki who was roaming around the field. He looked extremely stressed. Actually he didn't seem himself at all. She drew her gaze away from him and looked back at Yuma.  "Are you nervous?" 

"Not at all. It's just a game." Yuma smiled. 

Then why does Niki look so nervous?

"Well, good luck. I'll go to the stand." She patted his shoulder as a support and headed to the game stand. She saw the other team arriving. They looked so determined and somehow scary? She again waited for some time as the teams were getting ready.


"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO THE SOCCER TOURNAMENT BETWEEN KOSHIEN HIGHSCHOOL AND TAKASUCHO HIGH SCHOOL" A voice from the speakers announced. The players started to gather up and take their positions on the field. All the cheers quiet down when they were waiting for the green light to start the game. 




The whistle was the sign to start. Everyone moved so fast that it was so hard to keep up the game, but Hitomi somehow managed to. Loud cheers filled her auditory, as well everyone else's in the stand. 


It has already been like half an hour. The lights illuminated almost the whole area, because it has already started to get darker, since it was fall. The game has had one break, what is of course a good thing. The scores were now 6-4. They were at a loss. When Hitomi has been observing the game past the 30 minutes. It didn't actually look like just a game. There was a lot of nudging and everything. 

Is this what games are like? Someone could get hurt?

Hitomi snapped out of her thoughts when half of the crowd stopped cheering. She observed the people around her. Everyone from her school suddenly began to look worried and many people leaned closer to the fences to see better. The cheers at a close range became silent. Next she stood up and looked over the others to the field. One of the players was laying on the ground. She looked closely, hoping it's not Yuma.

It's not Yuma, dear god. It's Number 10. Wait, isn't that Niki?


"BREAK!" The voice on the speakers announced again. 

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