"Aegon and his sisters." Arya corrected.


"It wasn't just Aegon riding his dragon. It was Rhaenys and Visenya, too."

"Correct. A student of history, are you?"

"Rhaenys rode Meraxes. Visenya rode Vhagar."

"I'm sure I knew that when I was a boy."

"Visenya Targaryen was a great warrior. She had a Valyrian steel sword she called Dark Sister."

"Hmm. She's a heroine of yours, I take it?" Arya smiled. "Aren't most girls more interested in the pretty maidens from the songs? Jonquil with the flowers in her hair?"

"Most girls are idiots."

"You remind me of my daughter and eldest granddaughter. Where did you learn all this stuff about Visenya and her Valyrian steel sword?"

"From my father."

"He was a well-read stonemason. Can't say I've ever met a literate stonemason."

"Have you met many stonemasons, my lord?"

"Careful now, girl. I enjoy you, but be careful. Take that back to the kitchen. Eat what you want."

Arya rose, clearing the dishes and walking away.

"And, girl. Arya stopped. "M'lord." Arya turned, confused. "Lowborn girls say "m'lord," not "my lord. " If you're going to pose as a commoner, you should do it properly."

"My mother served Lady Dustin for many years, my lord. She taught me how to speak proper-"

"Properly. You're too smart for your own good. Has anyone told you that?"


"Go on."

Arya exited, leaving Tywin to ponder and drink his wine.


Lord Tywin Lannister sat in council with Ser Kevan Lannister and other Lannister bannermen. Arya attended to them, and listened intently.

"King's Landing will fall an hour after Stannis lands his force. It's not too late for King Joffrey and Cersei and the court to ride west to safety." Kevan told them.

"Surrender the Iron Throne?" Tywin asked, incredulously.

"Better than seeing their heads mounted on the city gates. Stannis will execute them all."

"No, a king who runs will not be king for long. He's a Lannister. He'll stand and fight. Stannis, two days from the capital and the wolf at my doorstep."

"The scouts assure us Robb Stark remains north of Ashemark."

"Ha! The last time the scouts assured us of Stark's movement, he lured us into a trap. Which is why my son is his prisoner."

Arya served wine to the table.

"Too close to Casterly Rock."

"He sent a splinter force to recapture Winterfell. The Greyjoys have done us a great favor. Stark won't risk marching' on Casterly Rock until he's at full force."

"He's a boy and he's nevr lost a battle. He'll risk anything at any time because he doesn't know enough to be afraid." Tywin pondered for a while by the hearth before he made his decision. "We'll ride at nightfall. I want a full night's march before he knows we're on the move. Clegane, you'll maintain a garrison here at Harrenhal. Track down this brotherhood and destroy them. The girl has proven herself a good servant. She'll stay on with you. See that he doesn't get drunk in the evenings. He's poor company when he's sober, but he's better at his work."

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