"Enough of this nonsense!" Shen shouted, before speaking again

"Bring the prisoners to me"

The warriors were being led further into the throne room as Po said

"Get ready, guys. Keep your eyes peeled for the- weapon!"

He spotted a tiny model of the cannon on a small table. Quick as lighting, he charged at the model and destroyed it with a swing. Daiyu and the Five stared mortified at him, Crane even pulled his hat down in shame while Soothsayer was perplexed

The cheering and triumphant panda turned around and found himself standing in front of the giant cannon in the middle of the room. The warriors were shoved next to him as Shen approached them, laughing and cackling

"You really think that this is the Warrior destined to defeat me?" He asked Soothsayer

"I do not. I know he is" she answered

"Look at him! A lifetime to plot his revenge and he comes to me ion his knees!" Shen chuckled as Po looked baffled

"Hey, wait. I did not have a lifetime. We only heard about Master Thundering Rhino a few days ago and we came to avenge him!"

That's when Soothsayer stepped in and asked, staring

"You've come to avenge nothing else?"

"Yeah, all those pots and pans you stole. We're going to want those back!" Po nodded

"Nothing else?" Soothsayer asked

"You probably did some other evil stuff on the way, I don't know. What else did he do?" Po asked as Soothsayer got shocked while Viper stuck her tail into Tigress' cuffs and started picking the lock

"You don't know" Soothsayer breathed as Po asked

"Know what?"

Shen laughed again as Po got more and more confused

"What's so funny?"

"Precisely the thing that you clearly do not know!"

"Okay, enough with these riddles! Would you guys just spill the beans?! First the weapon was tiny. Hey, surprise, it's big! And then the lady over here. I think it's a guy 'cause she got a-"

As quick as a lighting flash, Shen aimed a knife in Po's face, immediately shutting him up

"The only reason you're still alive is that I find your stupidity mildly amusing" Shen whispered as his red eyes pierced Po's

"Well, thank you, but I think your evilness extremely annoying" Po scowled as Shen eyes him up and down and scoffed

"Who do you think you are, panda?"

"Who do you think I am, peacock?" Po sassed as Shen's beak formed into a sinister yet amused smile, before chuckling, making Po chuckle as well

And soon, the both of them were laughing their heads off while Daiyu and the Five watched, visibly flabbergasted

"Why are we laughing?" Po laughed as it slowly died down

"Yes, why?" Daiyu asked, mostly directed at Po

"Take aim" Shen ordered as Boss Wolf aimed the cannon at the cuffed warriors while the gorillas opened the balcony doors behind them

Viper continued picking the lock as Po and the masters prepared themselves when Boss Wolf raised the lighter of the fuse


Boss Wolf lit the fuse as Shen laughed evilly, but then realized that nothing has happened

"Well?! Light the thing!" Shen shouted

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now