chapter 16-

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Puffy had honestly lost track of time during her stay in the frankly boring room.

Gray concrete walls, with a floor to match. No windows, no decorations, just a metal table and uncomfortable chair.

She didn't even know the hero commission had a place like this. A dark, dreary room that has no other apparent use besides assault apparently. It looked like it was supposed to be a storage room.

There wasn't much to look at, but what kept catching her attention was the hooks hanging from the ceiling.

It was easily similar to the one that binds her to the table. She could only assume what that's going to be used for.

The only way she knew a few days had passed was how dirty she felt, her hair, her clothes, her skin.

She ended up ripping off the jacket to her hero outfit to stop the bleeding in her hand, since Dream had just left it bleeding and broken.


"Good, you're up." A voice chimed.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear. " Puffy mumbled, picking her head up.

Dream stared back at her, for once he was maskless.

The scars on his face pale, but obvious. they had never really healed right because of the constant weight of his mask against them.

"Dream." Puffy said thickly.

"It's been a bit. I got a little busy, sorry about that." He scoffed, sitting in the chair in front of her. "Are you ready to talk?"

"Can- Can you answer me a few questions? Before I answer yours?” Puffy whispered, her voice was hoarse.

“Maybe. Depends on what kind of questions. If I do answer them, you'll have to answer mine.” Dream hummed.

Puffy huffed, and glared, but nodded either way.

“dream-" she started. "Why did you kill Foolish? Why did you kill my son? Puffy asked weakly, her eyes stuck downwards.

"I didn't kill him. He ran off. Been looking for him since.” Dream explained, holding up a single finger. “That's one question, Puffy. Anymore?”

Puffy tried to hold herself back from crying as her body shook with relief.

“But, you tried to kill him?" Puffy spat. "Why would you do that?"

“Are you kidding me? You had always favored Foolish, he was your little golden child. He could do no wrong in your eyes." Dream hissed out. "Even after I became the number one goddamn hero! It was always about him!" Dream ranted, his fist clenched as his anger grew.

“You attacked your brother because you were jealous?! Dream your a fucking adult! If you felt that way you should have come to me, not whatever the fuck that was!” Puffy shouted.

Dreams' eyes widened as he stood up, knocking his chair over as he gripped Puffys horns and slammed her head down on the table.

“Don’t you yell at me!” Dream hissed back.

Puffys vision was swirling, her forehead and nose hurt, she faintly registered blood pooling over her lip.

“You’re a bitch.” Puffy cursed, her vision spinning wildly.

"I answered two questions, now you answer mine. Why did Bellator attack you?” Dream asked.

“Because- a kid. I hurt some kid and he got mad about it.” Puffy answered absently.

“What was so special about that kid?” Dream said, getting right in her face.

“I don't know. He didn't tell me.” Puffy sneered.

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