"You can do this all you want, I don't know anything." She spat, glaring at Dream.

Dream took a deep breath, and stretched his shoulders. He reached into his belt loop, and pulled out a switchblade, and flicked it open.

It was small, the handle bigger than the blade itself, but Puffy knew that was the point.

This was meant to hurt.

She pursed her lips at the sight, before flicking her gaze back up to Dreams 'face'.

"Last chance Captain. Tell me what you know." Dream glared.

"Go fuck yourself, you son of a bitch." Puffy snarled.

Dream raised up the blade and slammed it dead center on her hand, Puffy jumped and let out a sharp cry.

"You know you're just insulting yourself, right? Why were you working with Bellator?" Dream replied dryly.

Puffy shook.

Her hand was definitely going to be fucked after this.

She couldn't move it, it was swelling and a swirl of purple and yellow were decorating it, mixing in with a deep red that started to pool.

"You're a fuck, didnt you have a bug on me? You know everything I do." Puffy spat, Dream gripped the knife and ripped it out of her hand.

“I want to hear it from your mouth. How much more can your hand take? Maybe i should move up.” Dream hissed.

Puffy took her jacket into her teeth to muffle any sound that was about to tumble out.

"Who did you attack?" Dream asked.

"None of your goddamn busi-AUGH-" Puffy yelled, Dream slashing up her wrist.

Her arm spasmed, as she heaved hard.

"I was willing to go easy on you, since you're my pops 'n all that. But I'm getting my answers Puffy." Dream said, standing up.

Puffy watched as he left.

She was stuck in the freezing, dark gray room with nothing but the hanging flickering light above her head and her hand handcuffed and bleeding to the table.

She didn't realize until later that Dream wasn't coming back.


"Hey, Tom." Phil greeted.

Tommy nodded his head towards the other blond, flipping through a magazine.

It was a shitty cooking one, with recipes that he could just tell tasted like ass.

But he was bored and decided against the TV, he did not want another reminder of anything that had happened.

Phil sat on the bed lightly.

Tommy looked up at him, Phil of course chose the time to be awkward when Ranboo and Tubbo were home, and Wilbur had to head out to do a job Tommy didn't know he had.

"Yeah?" Tommy asked, watching Phil.

"Me and Techno spoke, he told me some things." Phil stated simply.

Tommy's eyebrows shot up.

"Please don't tell me you're going to do what I think you are." Tommy pleaded, his entire attitude changing, aas he started scowling at Phil.

Phil blinked, a bit surprised by the sudden shift.

"No, you don't have to worry about that. I'm here to give you an apology of sorts." Phil sighed a bit.

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