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Cale finally decided on the wall because given his history of epic fails , he could quite vividly imagine what would happen if he tried the bed.

First, he would easily succeed in getting Roksoo under him and his traitorous face would redden with a too loud heartbeat.

Immediately after that, Roksoo would look at his flushed out face and frown slightly with concern. Then proceed to put the back of his hand on Cale's forehead to check his temperature which would be hot and keep getting hotter with his increasing embarrassment.

Lastly, before Cale could even register what happened, he would be tucked into the bed securely, sheets upto his chin as Roksoo goes to look for a thermometer to check how high his non-existent fever is because his face will be burning in shame of yet another fail.

He just knew it would happen.

In that order.

So that became an instant no. And walls were usually used in dramas too. Right? So wall it is.

Even then , there were a surprising amount of problems with something that was supposed to be so simple that it was a rather famous cliché.

It took Cale three attempts to finally get it right. The first issue he faced was when he thought to corner Roksoo on the kitchen counter while he was busy cooking.

The redhead stared at the cook that looked just as delicious as the food itself and couldn't stop himself from going up to him and just wrapping his arms around the cook after giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Roksoo didn't turn around but he did bring one of the hands around him to his lips to softly kiss the back of the his hand in greeting. Cale ended up leaning on Roksoo, cheek pressed against  his neck and just looking over his broad shoulders at the food , forgetting all about his plans and melting into the comfortable warmth.

By the time Cale remembered what he  initially came to do , the food was done and he had remembered a rather crucial detail about kitchen scenes.

In media, One person gets pushed and more or less ends up laying on the counter while the other looms over them , which causes the tension in the air around them to tighten and then snap into a make out session that either starts or ends with a confession.

Even if Cale can get Roksoo to turn around and push him all the way to an empty space that they can lean on, Regardless of whether Roksoo is standing or sitting , he would still be looking down on Cale, there was just no looming over Kim Rok Soo.

At least, not anymore considering the once scrawny kid now towered over everyone.

Lost in his thoughts,  Cale hadn't even noticed that he was no longer in the kitchen but seated at the dining table, having followed Roksoo's lead unconsciously until a pair of chopsticks with food on them touched his lips and brought him back to reality.

Blinking up at Roksoo who was looking at him questioningly, Cale wordlessly opened his mouth to accept the food and got lost in thought again while being fed as Roksoo simultaneously feeds both of them.

For his second attempt,  Cale did a much better job of keeping his head on track as he prowled towards Roksoo with perfectly measured, confident steps. His face set in a stoic mask as he approached the other.

In a perfect scenario, for every step Cale took forward,  Roksoo would have taken a step back until he hits the wall and has no where to escape with no other choice but to be at the Redhead's mercy.

There had never been perfect scenarios as far as Cale could remember and his luck wasn't about to start favoring him now.

Roksoo didn't move an inch from his place.

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