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BTW Remus Lupin will be referred to as Lupin, while the OC will be referred to as Remus.


Remus: *teleports everyone into the reaction room*

Everyone: *various sounds of confusion*

Remus: Alright everyone, calm down and let us explain.

Charlie: You all have been brought here to react to ships.

Hermione: Ships? Like the boats?

Remus: *laughs* No, ships are like couples of sorts.

Hermione: I still don't get it...

Remus: *does a lot of explaining that would tear the fourth wall to pieces*

Hermione: Ohhhh ok I understand now.

Charlie: Alright, we'll start by reacting to the canon ships, and then we'll move on to the fanon ones.

Draco: Canon? Fanon? What language are you speaking?

Remus and Charlie: *more fourth-wall shattering explanations*

Remus: Alright, enough of that. Let's get on with it!


Just a quick list of all the characters that will be here for the entire fic in case you didn't read the tags:

- Harry

- Hermione

- Ron

- Draco

- Fred

- George

- Ginny

- Luna

- Lupin

- Sirius

Harry Potter Characters React to Ships (on indefinite hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now