
Me and Molly sit at the nearest table, I put my tray on the table and sigh, sitting down next to her. "You look tired." she notices. I turn my head with a gentle smile. "Yeah, only a little bit. I just need some coffee." I reassured her. She nodded as she begins to eat her food. "Well if it isn't little Molly and Savanna." I turn my head behind me, and so does Molly. It's a woman with ginger hair and wearing an sleeveless shirt. Molly groans as she turns back to her tray.

"Yo, talk to me. What's been going on with you two?" she says, taking a seat in the middle of us. "Uh, we've been fine. If you don't mind me asking, who exactly are you?" I ask, raising one eyebrow. "Steph." she replied, looking at me. She moved her eyes up and down, trying to memorize my body and face. "Like Stephanie?" I ask, tilting my head, I mostly keep my eyes on her. "Just Steph. I don't like anything other than that." she replies in a harsh tone like before.

"She didn't know, Steph. Can you be a little polite?" Molly says harshly as she only looks ahead of her. "You're not being so polite either, Mol." Mol? Are these two friends? Or enemies even? "Do you to know each other or am I just confused?" she turned her head. "Was. She's been acting so differently towards for no absolute reason!" she slams her hands on the table. "I just have been busy." she replied. "Yeah, like I said, no absolute reason." Steph calmed her anger. "It's my fault for being so angry, after all, I'm in anger management classes since stupid Condo decided to me it was best. He thinks he's a know it all because he's usually with Modyheart." Steph says looking at me.

"You wouldn't need those classes if you would just learn to control yourself," I sigh, putting my hands up in surrender. "Look, let's try to sort this out. Steph, maybe we could become.. friends? Maybe try to sort out the entire situation between you and Molly?" I asked. "Yeah, let's just be coworkers." she scoffed. Then she left the table without a trace. "She's mean." I say. "I didn't realize I was being so rude to her, but, I haven't actually been busy. I had all the time to talk to Steph. I just haven't wanted to speak to her since I'm just scared that she'll will get angry at me like she does all the time." she replied, as she bit into her apple.

I sighed, continuing to eat as well. "Molly! Savanna! We need you." Condo yells. Me and Molly look behind us in confusion.


Condo leads us over to the machines. I look at them, we must be leaving? "You wanted us?" Molly asked looking at Condo. "Yeah, we just started up at the machines. We can get going out or you can go finish up breakfast." we shake both of our heads. "Then, let's get it." he replies. He looks at me for a short amount of time before he walks away. The machine doors open and I take a minute to look at them. Molly goes in before me. I step inside afterwards. I feel the same side effects just like before. I tried to calm my breathing, but feeling so dizzy, wasn't helping.

My eyes close. Back to Rockuo. I open my eyes. This time I'm laying down on my bed, in the shelter. I look around to see the recognizable faces of the Marin. I take a moment to look at them before I sit up and walk around the shelter. For some reason, I feel like I have a tail, is this normal? They don't have tails. All they have is long ears and braided black hair. Is this what they feel like as well? I'm assuming they would be like cats, they remind me of it anyway.

Molly wakes up a few seconds as well. Then Condo comes. I take a moment to steady my breathing, feeling the pressure of my new body. "Come on, I know it's late, but you will get used to that quickly. Since it's the morning now it's going to be night for some time, not until the afternoon in the real world, it will become morning." I got confused, but I knew I would understand it in a few weeks. We rushed out of the shelter. I followed behind Condo and the rest of the scientist. I saw a bunch of glowing eyes in the darkness, so I catch up quickly with the team.

"Hey, that's just Ordies, their eyes usually glow in dark environments. It helps them see better." Molly explains as she looks at me. "Ordies are part of the cat family, if they were on earth. They're also one of Rockuo's most common creatures. They are no threat. The biggest threat would be Zarame's, they are the biggest creature known to this planet. Not even we can defeat those, even as aliens, it would take a entire army to destroy them. Because of their big horns, most would call them unicorns." she said, I didn't really understand a word she said any of those sentences, but I'm nodded my head to show I was.

Condo stopped the team. "I'm hearing things." he said, his ears flattening. I look around to also hear things, somewhere deep in the forest, but I listen as I look around my surroundings.

A Marin comes out of the forest, jumping from a big tree, members also coming from behind him. I crouch down, they try attacking us with their bows, I am immediately hide in a bush as I look around to see them trying to hurt the members of the team. "Run back to the shelter!" Condo repeats almost 80 times. But I stay in my bush. I watched them as they run back to the shelter, the rest following them. Only one stays as he sniffs the air, his ears perking up once he gets a sent.

He has long black braided hair, a dark green loincloth, and black eyes. I watch in silence. He continues to sniff the air until he looks where I am. His black eyes are basically staring inside of my soul. "Eh' cell.." he speaks in a language I don't understand. Another one comes back from the trail the team went too. "Kai! We have tried to capture them, but they are too fast. We have only captured one. Must we bring her to your parents?" he says, looking quite different from the other one. His ears perked up when he hears that they have captured only one.

"One? How foolish. I would've captured all of them if I didn't get that smell. Search the area one last time. I need to look over this." he speaks in a deep tone. The other one nodded, "Yes, I will." he walks back to the shelter. Then he comes near where I am and put his arm inside of the bush, grabbing me out. "Hey!" I say, wanting to bite him, but then again, I don't know if he's radioactive. "Ahh, you look quite different from them." he speaks. "Eh' fnew o'jou wou'ud beh zhere." he said. I could only pronounce some of that, now I'm starting to think "Eh'," is "I," does that mean he's saying "I knew you would be there?"

Kai brings me into a path I didn't know existed in the forest. "Father will be proud." he whispers as we continue walking. I struggle to get out of his grip. I slowly give up as I make it in front of a bunch of other Marin, they all look at me, and I noticed Molly in the distance, with other Marin.

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