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Agneta found herself following after Elijah, watching as he slowly circled Trevor; rolling up his sleeves.... as if he was getting ready to attack.

"I-I'm so sorry, Elijah," Trevor begged.

"Oh, no. Your apology is not necessary," Elijah remarked.

"Yes, yes it is!" Trevor said. " You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you."

"Oh, yes. You are the guilty one, and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you. That, I honor," Elijah spoke, stopping in front of Trevor.

Agneta rolled her eyes at her dramatic older brother, watching as he stretched the conversation; causing Agneta to grow impatient, she wanted this rogue vampire dead. Elijah looked over at her and glared, before turning back to Trevor.

"I'm sorry," Trevor choked out.

"Apology accepted," Elijah smiled, swinging his hand back.... chopping Trevor's head clean off. His head bounced on the ground then rolled towards Agneta.

Agneta looked down at Trevor's head, and scrunched her face in disgust before kicking it over to Rose..... Rose let out a mix between a gasp and a sob. Elena gasped in horror. Elijah stared back at his baby sister and soon she met his gaze; the two of them have a silent chat about what Agneta thought on the kill, and of course she was unimpressed. Elijah gave a quick eye roll at his high maintenance, spoiled sister before turning toward Elena; roughly grabbing her arm then turning back towards Agneta and grabbed her arm as well.

"Ow, Elijah. I'm not ten," Agneta mumbled toward him.

"You seem fit to act so, I mean you did runaway in the middle of the night a 1,000 years ago,"  Elijah quipped back, which quickly put Agneta into her place.

"W-what about the moonstone?" Elena spoke up.

"Where is it?" Agneta asked.

"What do you know about the moonstone?" Elijah questioned.

"I know you need it and I know exactly where its at," Elena responded.

"Yes," Elijah drawled, waving his hand for Elena to continue.

"And I can help you get it," Elena remarked more confidently.

"Don't keep us waiting," Agneta said sarcastically, clearly fed up with the stalling. "Tell me where it is. I promise it'll be in great hands,"

"It doesn't work that way," Elena said stubbornly, causing Agneta to frown and narrow her eyes at the doppelgänger.

"Do you not know where it is?" Agneta asked.

"I do," Elena replied.

"Then tell me!" Agneta exclaimed.

Elena shook her head no, which caused Agneta to rub her temples.

"Are you negotiating with me? Cause if so, then you are pretty fucking stupid," Agneta growled.

"First I've heard of it," Rose mumbled, glaring at Agneta.

Casting her gaze on the pixie haired vampire, Agneta frowned... seeing how upset she was over her now decapitated friend; but deep down Agneta felt her pain, seeing as if her best friend was killed she'd act the same.... however those feelings soon disappeared when she noticed Elijah trying to compel Elena.

"What is this vervain doing around your neck?" Elijah asked, harshly ripping off Elena's necklace; which caused her to let out a cry and she struggled against the older vampire. "Tell me where the moonstone is," Elijah compelled.

Agneta tilted her head slightly, watching Elijah intently.... The man standing before her was entirely different from what she remembers, Elijah never liked compelling unless it was his last source; he normally relied on his charm, was compelling the doppelgänger his last source or did Elijah really change?

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