Ranking Fnaf Characters Tier List

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Franklin: Daniel, I think you're being too generous. The first chica just isn't likable at all.

Manado: I'm with Daniel here. She is the first of many chicas to come so that should give her some bonus points.

Franklin: Fine.

Manado: Into the ehh... tier she goes. Now how about Foxy?

Franklin: Easily one of the best characters in the entire franchise. Iconic tier for sure.

Manado: No Franklin, Foxy is the most overrated character in the series. While I admit he is a very cool character, especially with being a pirate fox, there are much better characters to choose from and Foxy should go in great tier.

Franklin: Shut up you failed experiment! Foxy goes into the iconic tier and nowhere else!

Manado: Says the guy who made a deal with the devil which killed your parents.

Franklin: And you couldn't save your parents from death so you have no room to talk.

Manado: I was only ten when Shang Tsung killed them. What could I have possibly done?!

Franklin: I don't know. MAYBE ACTUALLY FIGHT BACK!


Franklin: At least you would have died bravely instead of living as a coward.

Daniel: Ok. Ok. Let's all calm down. I admit Foxy was cool but I always preferred Freddy to Foxy, so he goes in the great tier.

Franklin: Whatever, just know that other people now hate you because of this.

Manado: Whatever. Next we have Golden Freddy who I would consider one of the most iconic characters in the franchise due to him being so mysterious and supernatural.

Franklin: For once I agree with you. Golden Freddy is one of the best animatronics to appear. Iconic tier for sure.

Daniel: Definitely iconic tier.

Manado: Glad we can all agree. Now onto Fnaf two, starting with Toy freddy.

Franklin: Personally, I always saw him as very annoying when it comes to how he speaks in Ultimate Custom Night. But the fact that he is the first gamer animatronic gives him enough points to place him in the ehh... tier.

Daniel: I'm gonna have to agree with Frank about that. His voice while fitting was annoying to hear. And he isn't exactly very memorable in his debut game. Ehh... tier sounds good for the fat orange robot.

Manado: Rude, but I'll place him in ehh... tier above the original Chica. Now onto Toy Bonnie.

Daniel: How on earth did they make him sound even more annoying than toy freddy? The dude literally sounds like one of the chipmunks from that one movie.

Franklin: Daniel is spitting out facts with this one. I'd say ehh... tier for the toy bunny.

Manado: Very well. Now we have Toy Chica.

Daniel: Apart from what the weirder side of the fandom says, Toy Chica doesn't really have much going for her apart from her voice.

Manado: Still better than Toy Bonnie though so let's say ehh... tier just under the original chica.

Franklin: Glad we can finally agree on something, Manado. Now Mangle might be one of the best characters in fnaf two.

Daniel: Franklin has a point. Not to mention she has a bit of tragedy to her characters with the children constantly tearing him apart. Can't help but feel bad for her even if is an antagonist in the game.

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