the fixed and the broken...

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You and dr starline headed back home and you went to the house and saw rough and tumble and you softly hugged them "Were the kids aright? Did thay misbehave?" Rough scratched the back of his head "Oh yeah there finee I mean thay tired to burn the house down and we almost caught on fire but it's finee" you gasped and then ran inside and hugged surge and kitsunami and Sasha tightly "Oh my baby's are you okay?" You softly kiss them and surge crosses her arms "Yeah we are fine." She then gets up and walks away and she doesn't face you "And also you don't need to kiss me I'm a gown woman!" You giggle a bit "Aright then if you say so" you then kiss kitsunami on the head and softly pet him "Aw who's a good son?" Surge then gets jealous and she slowly walks over to you and puts her head over to your free hand and she looks at you "Mom can you please give me head Pat's..?" You smile softly and slowly pat her head and she smiles and Dr starline is watching from afar.. he crosses his arms and sighs heavy "oh..when am I going to tell you y/n...?"

A few days later

Dr Starline drinks some tea and then he puts it down on a cooler (idk what the fuck it's called) and he looks at his mug. "I have tested surge and kitsunami as best I can. Now we come back to the final check before initating operation remaster. We must be exceedingly careful. If this fails, there will be no second chances. Previously I had used a override program to take command of Dr Eggman's Forces. Hover it relied on the network's permissions to exploit backdoors to the eggnet. For my endgame I must be able to overpower all of Dr Eggman's control directly.i choice to turn egg base sigma into my headquarters. Tonight I'll be targeting egg base alpha for my final test."

Dr Starline looks at egg base alpha while sweating a little. And surge pop's put from behind him while smirken "You look like you're about to pop a blood vessel, dad" while sasha is laughing from behind with her eyes closed. Dr Starline Puts his hand over to kitsunami. "Kitsunami. Map please." And kitsunami runs over to Dr starline then kitsunami pulls out a water diagram of egg base alpha from his water bag and Sasha puts her finger in the water as Dr starline softly taps sasha's hand "Sasha no." And Sasha looks disappointed as she sighs heavy and dr starline then points at the water diagram of egg base sigma and he explains the plan. "we will enter on the south end. I will infuriate the Western control Tower and upload the command program. Surge, you'll be escorting kitsunami to the ensure no alerts are broad cast to the eggnet. And since Sasha can't fend for herself she will be coming with me." Kitsunami looks at Dr starline "What about the North Tower?" Dr Starline closed his eyes and explained it "a Wi-Fi tower separate from the eggnet. Exclusively for gaming. The doctor's ping is immaculate."

Surge looks at Dr starline "Back it up a minute dad. I have to babysit my baby brother?" Kitsunami looks at surge and Dr starline "That's right! She's the hero. She should have the important jobs." Surge looks at kitsunami and ponts at him "Nobody was Talkin to you drippy!" Kitsunami's ears go down and he looks sad "s-sorry..." Dr Starline looks at surge "Why are you objecting this now? This is what you wanted remember?" Surge then scratched the back of her head "yeah...and no." Sasha then gets in front of Dr Starline and her tail went down "Dad! I wanna fight!" Dr Starline sighed and looked at her "But you have that missing tooth and you don't have claws or spikes so you can't fight or defind for yourself.." she looks angry at him "But I wanna fight with my siblings and fight off bad guys!" Dr Starline sighed heavy "Fine. Now then--to work." Surge and kitsunami and Sasha run into "Badnik patrol! Let's take this detour and--" surge and Sasha run over to the Badnik control and kitsunami yells for them "No! Wait wait wait!" And then surge brakes them all while Sasha grabbed one by it's head and is kicking it in the head with her hind legs and surge kicks one away "give me a excort mission!" And kitsunami looks at her "W-were not supposed to raise any alarms..." And surge looks at kitsunami "Thay can't make a fuss if they're dust!"

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