"After the Lannisters and the Starks, the Tyrells command the largest host. Their lands are the most fertile in the Seven Kingdoms, feeding horses and soldiers."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"The Tyrells have not yet declared for any of the surviving kings. Loras wants revenge. He blames Stannis for Renly's death. And Margaery-"

"Wants to be queen."

"Yes, she does."

"House Tyrell rebelled against the Iron Throne. Against my grandson."

"They did. And perhaps that treason should be punished one day, after Stannis and Robb Stark are defeated."

"More wine for Lord Baelish." Tywin told Arya.

Arya continued to move so that Littlefinger could not see her face clearly.

"If you will allow me to represent your family's interests, I believe that an advantageous agreement-"

"The Tyrell host has returned to Highgarden?"

"They have."

Arya spilled some wine, and tried to mop it up in a panic. "Pardon, my lord."

"It's only wine." Littlefinger said as he tried to look at Arya's face, but Tywin pulled his attention away.

"You would ride there yourself?"

"Tonight, with your leave."

"I'll have an answer by nightfall. That'll be all, girl."

Arya stepped away from the table but continued to listen as she walked away.

"And what else?"

"On your son Tyrion's directive, I met with Catelyn Stark."


"He had an interesting proposal for her concerning her daughters."


[Harrenhal, Council Chamber, Dusk]

Arya had not stuck around much longer, as she didn't want to risk Littlefinger recognizing her.

However, after he had left, she returned to clean the table. She noticed a scroll, which mentioned King Robb Stark, and began to read it. Tywin entered, catching her in the act.

"Who taught you to read?"

"My father, my lord."

"Hmm. I taught my son Jaime to read. The maester came to me one day, told me he wasn't learning. He couldn't make sense of the letters. He reversed them in his head. The maester said he'd heard tell of this affliction and that we simply must accept it. Ha! After that, I sat Jaime down for four hours evey day until he learned. He hated me for it, for a time. For a long time. But he learned. Hmm. Where is your father? Is he alive? Who was he?"

"A stonemason."

"A stonemason who could read? Hmm."

"He taught himself."

"Quite a man. What killed him?"


"You're a sharp little thing, aren't you?"

"Did... Forgive me, my lord. I shouldn't ask questions."

"No. But you've already begun."

"Did you know your father, my lord?"

"I did. I grew up with him. I watched him grow old." Tywin sat. While his back was turned, Arya stole the scroll that she was reading.

"He loved us. He was a good man, but a weak man. A weak man who nearly destroyed our house and name. I'm cold."

"I'll fetch more wood for the fire, my lord." Arya said, seeing a chance to read the scroll.


Arya exited.

[Harrenhal Courtyard]

Arya hid in a corner, above the bustle of the courtyard. She pulled out the scroll to read what it said about Robb before getting up with purpose.

Arya ran down the steps. Not looking where she was going, she ran into Lorent Lorch.

"Where are you going, girl?"

"The armory, my lord."


"Lord Tywin sent me."

He noticed the scroll in her hand. "What might this be?"

"Lord Tywin gave it to me."

"What for?"

"To take to the armory."

"Why would he do that? Let's go and ask him."

Arya fled and he pursued her.

"Move! Get out of the way!" He shouted.

Arya scampered through the courtyard and he followed clumsily.

Lorent lost sight of her, and she stayed hidden out of sight just beyond a doorway. Lorent went the wrong way, and she took advantage of his mistake and ran the other way.

She encountered a Kingsguard who she mistook for Jaqen, one of the three men from the cage during her time with the caravan for the Night's Watch. She grabs him for attention. He turned to her, and she realized her mistake. She continued on and found Jaqen just a bit further away.

"Lorent Lorch."

"A girl has named a second name. A man will do what must be done."


"A girl cannot tell a man when exactly he must do a thing. A man cannot make a thing happen before its time."

"But he's going to tell Tywin. He's getting away. It has to be now."

Jaqen sighed.

[Harrenhal - The Council Room]

Lorent entered the council room, where Tywin sat working. Tywin rose while Lorent collapsed to the floor, dead.

"Guard!" Tywin shouted.

Thus was the end of House Lorch.

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