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I been under scrutiny

The first party back at the lake was always the craziest, well, the first and last ones rivaled each other for sure. Every weekend was a party for the most part, by the end of the summer I was gonna be off alcohol for months because the thought of it will make me vomit.

I was finishing up the final touches of my look for the night, wanting to look cute for you know who. I had curled my hair and put on some hoops and a cute white top that contrasted my freshly tanned skin. I went with a denim low rise mini skirt to finish it off. My motto is if you feel pretty, others will see it.

So I wanted to feel pretty so Jack would see it.

I could hear the guys downstairs getting more and more rowdy, clearly taking shots to get a buzz working. As I was applying a clear gloss my fun went off on my vanity; Luke. "I'm almost done." I answered.

"Your taking forever, I'm already drunk" he yelled. I giggled, smacking my lips to even the gloss.

"Ok I get it, I'm coming now." I told him, grabbing my purse and giving myself one last look in the mirror. I bounded down the steps and went into the kitchen where I was immediately handed a bottle of vodka in one hand and lemonade in the other.

"Shot!" Ethan yelled. I stared at the bottle, gulping down the nerves before I quickly took a shot and chased it with the lemonade. "Yay!" He cheered happily as I held down a gag from the God awful taste of the liquor.

"I need to drink before I do any more" I cringed, handing him the bottles. He took them away and I went to grab out one of my drinks.

"Well doesn't she just look so pretty" Trevor said loudly as he sling his arm across my shoulders. I covered my face in embarrassment as everyone but my brother all said yes.

"Trevor" Jackson groaned. The boy beside me only grinned, keeping his arm around me. It took only a second before the attention was off me and I was just another body in the room. My eyes swept the room, seeing everyone talking and excited to go get loose. I glanced up at Trevor as he spoke to Mark and laughed, trailing my eyes from him to his arm that was on me. It made me feel giddy inside, he thought i looked pretty. God I hope Jack thought I looked pretty.

If he did, he would tell me, only to see me squirm. He would tell me with that stupid, cocky smirk on his lips and watch as my body reacted to his words. I would blush and my hands would fidget and I would barely be able to get out a response. The usual. Who knows if he even meant it, in moments like that I didn't care if it was real or for show, I just liked hearing the words leave his lips.

Speaking of, my eyes found him. He was talking with Quinn and Jackson, well he was with them but he wasn't talking. He was looking at me. He sipped his drink, keeping his eyes on me. I felt like a deer in headlights, stunned by the beauty of his blue eyes. He knew it. I wasn't the best at hiding from him. He sent me a smile and a wink that made my heart flutter before peeling his eyes off me.

Still, that couple seconds I had with him was the highlight of the night thus far.


It wasn't even midnight yet and here I was at this party, feeling a good buzz and dancing around with Ethan. He spun me around, watching as my feet stumbled a bit from the drinks, catching me when I would fall and laughing with me at my clumsiness. Then we would repeat. It was fun, I was having fun.

Being with all these guys was a blessing and a curse. It showed tonight. I had the greatest time with them but when another guy even thought about speaking to me they were quick to shut it down. So many times I was approached by cute guys on the dance floor but Ethan made sure they didn't come back. Sober me would be happy, I would probably regret the stranger in the morning.

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