The Brush and the Pendulum

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As the feathered pendulum continued to graze his torso, his masculine voice broke into helpless giggles. His attempts to form coherent words were futile, drowned in a sea of ticklish sensations.Hector: "I-I... Haha! Please... n-no more... Haha! You'll never... make me... Haha! Say it!"The Duchess laughed playfully, her fingers still dancing along his sensitive soles.Duchess: "Oh, we'll see about that. Just a little more persuasion, my dear."With an evil glint in her eyes, she retrieved a bucket filled with soapy water and a brush. It was kept close to the warm fireplace, so that the temperature was kept agreable to the skin. She dipped the brush into the water, letting it soak with suds, and then brought it to Hector's vulnerable and stretched-out feet.She looked at him with a raised eyebrow "Time for a little cleaning, my dear. Your feet must be pristine for my treatment, Don Hector de San Sebastian."As the soapy brush made contact with his helpless feet, Hector's body jolted and squirmed uncontrollably. The sensations were overwhelming, his ticklish sensitivity pushed to its limits. His laughter escalated, merging with desperate pleas for mercy. "N-no! Hahaha! Please... I... can't... Haha! Handle this... Hahaha!"The Duchess's teasing laughter filled the air as she continued to scrub his ticklish feet mercilessly. She reveled in his wild reactions, savoring the power she held over him.She continued in a careful, patient voice "Come now, Hector. Just say the words, and this torment will stop. Admit your desire to cancel the wedding, and all of this can end."The ticklish torment and the seductive teasing fused together, overwhelming Hector's senses. He struggled to maintain his composure, his body writhing under the dual onslaught of the feathered pendulum and the scrubbing. The Duchess took great pleasure in his vulnerability, knowing she had him right where she wanted.Hector's resistance was slowly crumbling, and his masculine bravado was replaced with snorts and funny noises amidst his uncontrollable laughter."Oh, Hector, my strong and haughty nobleman reduced to snorting and squealing like a little piggy. How delightful!" she teased, her voice dripping with playful amusement.With each stroke of the soapy brush on his feet, the Duchess counted with feigned seriousness, her laughter echoing through the room. "That's fifty strokes now, my dear. Quite the milestone, wouldn't you say?"Her teasing laughter continued, seemingly enjoying the way his body twitched and squirmed with each stroke of the brush."Oh, but don't you worry, my dear. We have plenty more strokes to go. Just think of it as a lesson in obedience," she added, maintaining her firm grip on his feet to prevent any escape from the ticklish torment."Are you ready for the next stroke, Hector? I think you'll find it even more ticklish than the last!" she said with a mischievous grin.Scrap. Scraaaaap. Scraaaaaaap.The brushing continued, and the Duchess playfully counted each stroke, giggling softly as he snorted and squealed."Oh, such a delightful sound! You really are quite the entertainment, Hector. I must say, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself," she taunted, savoring every moment of his ticklish reactions.Scrap. Scraaaaap. Scrapscrapscrap. Scraaaaaaap."Just a few more strokes, my dear, and then you can tell me what I want to hear. It's so simple, really. Just admit your feelings, and all of this can end," she teased, using the promise of relief to further entice him to give in.

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