- Review For The Book: A Memory Of Starfires -

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A Memory Of Starfires by Aravis-Brightspell
Cover and Blurb

The cover is nicely done. The title is clear and I like the color scheme especially because it fits the blurb.

I'm not sure if you purposely done the title light blue but it does fit with what you're saying, "For death's icy fingers had finally found her." Now, I might be just overanalyzing things but icy is kind of associating me with this crystal blue color which I see in the cover. Good job with that.

Though, I was kind of confused who is the main character, Kari Or Taren? I'm guessing Taren because of the cover but since the blurb consisted of a good portion of Kari, I would suggest you to clarify that for the readers. Or maybe the narration is switching between both of them in the book?

I'm confused why the white Tiger is in the cover especially because I couldn't associate anything in the blurb that could be a Tiger. But it leaves a lingering question of mystery, which I love. After considering, I wouldn't change anything about the cover other than to make the text under the title a little bit more clear.

When it comes to the blurb alone, it's easy to understand after I read it 2 times. Now, we don't want that for the readers. So, what I would suggest is cutting the sentences short.

Example, "Secrets abound within the walls of the old Elburke mansion, where 16 year old Kari Mizyaki works as a part time gardener, unaware of the events that would soon intwine her fate with its not so ordinary occupants."

I love the details you left in this sentence, but see how long it is? I noticed it throughout the blurb. It can throw off the readers. I would cut it in half and create 2 sentences out of it so that it helps clarify everything.

Other than that, I don't have anything else to add since the grammar is perfect and so is the idea behind the book. I'm extremely intrigued. Good job with both.

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