Chapter 2 Closer

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(your pov)

I think I see plenty I like Mr Myers ~
Oh Really Like What ? *smirks*
Your Height and Your Strength And This Jumpsuit here~
Is There a time where you won't tease little doll that should be mine? *Growls a little* what was that did you just growl?~*stops talking* aww is Mikey not gonna twalk? *Growls and shakes head* *grabs notebook and writes on it 'Why Are You Here Doll? It's dangerous even with me
I was curious it seems secretive here
*Writes What's your name?* *Writes Back Sapphire Emeralda Topaz *
*Michael blushes at the name you were named after the rarest jewels and you were one
*Writes it's a beautiful as you are*~
*I'm not beautiful at all*Michael writes again yes you are you're probably more sexy then the devil himself and that's saying something so don't be sad Sapphire..

*Blushes* did you just say I'm sexy?
Yes I did Do you like it doll?
I do *writes I want to know about you*
I'm Michael Myers A Killer Of Haddenfield I Was Raised Here I Hated My Older sister Laurie So I stabbed her she picked on me at the young age of 6 that's when I felt the urge to kill my mom and dad and well Dr Loomis to but I didn't care I was picked on I was different then everyone *writes* I don't think your different your mom and dad are dumb your sister deserved it I think you're right I want to know about you Sapphire... I'm from and raised in Paris I'm A Shy sad Person I like Music And Partying I have a stepmom my dad's a fucking pervert he-he *Michael hugs you tightly* I should go home I shouldn't overstay my welcome here with you *you get up to leave and Michael grabs your hand and pulls you back and says S-tay please? *you stay with him and fall asleep on his shoulder he shrugged it off and let you sleep he stayed up memorizing you everything then he fell asleep after you

(The Next Day No School Parents At Work Yay ) today was your free day and you didn't have anything else to do so you spent it with Michael Everytime You would fall asleep he would put you on the bed and if he felt comfortable he'd lay by you holding you closely playing with your hair and he said Your Mine Doll only Nothing will ever hurt you 'My one and only Doll~ *you snuggled deep in his chest everytime he breathed it was motivating for you to be on there happy and safe for the first time in years ...

*Next morning you head back home see your parents leave a note saying we'll be gone on a business trip for a couple years here's 20000$ we'll miss you Topazie love mom and dad * yay freedom! Jk *plays music and plays Melanie Martinez Pluto* *you went to the backyard to see a pool and a hot tub you go upstairs to change and go in the hot tub* *Michael looks out the window and sees you in the hot tub she's such a tease but a very cute one *looks closer sees your endless curves* *smirks blushes hard and closes window to cool down *I wonder what Michael is doing probably staring like always wait *looks at his window* he's probably killing someone then I hope it's a blonde brat I'm guessing

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