Chapter 2

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Manik's pov

It's been years since I have actually gotten some free time, being a CEO of a multibillion dollar company isn't an easy thing therefore the last time I actually had free time was 3 years ago when I was dating my ex

I wouldn't have came today either but something in my head said to and I am so glad I did. I was sitting in a booth just having a couple drinks while writing up some stuff for work when my eyes fell on this beautiful girl.

My angel, she had a beautiful smile on her face as she danced away with her friends, a girl and this guy. her clothes fit her so well, she looks smoking hot but not slutty or sleazy.

I couldn't help but put all my work away to look at her, she has the most captivating eyes I have ever seen, it's not like me to fall for someone's looks so hard that I put work away but for her I would do anything

she says something to her friend before walking towards the back more like stumbling but she mumbles something every time she ran into a person so I'm assuming she was apologizing.

I got up following her for some reason, I didn't know why or what I was hoping to achieve but I did it anyways

"You line?" She asks a lady who was clearly in line for the bathroom

"I am" she replies

"Oh good, I am behind you" she says leaning on the wall

"Oh sweet like an angel tomatoes, ohhh you know what sounds good?" She asks smacking the girl beside her

"Girl get your hands off me"

"Brownies yup, I need me some brownies" she says bobbing her head making me smile

"It's may turnnnnnnn you broke line" she yells at the girl running inside the bathroom

"Fucking hell, this is why I don't come here" the girl says

A couple minutes later my little angel comes out swaying a little running into a wall, yup before I could get to her she smacks face front into a wall

I walk up to her grabbing her before she could fall back on the floor, she stumbles a bit but holds onto my arms

"Wall holding me?" She says

"Hi angel" I whisper

Her cheeks heat up as they turn red, I wasn't sure if it was the heat from the club or from my words

"Wall talking" she mumbles

"Did you hit your head a bit too hard?" I ask

"Head hurt yes, wall owahhh im dizzy" her eyes close a little

"Im going to take you home okay?" I tell her just to make sure it's okay with her

"No navya" she mumbles, her knees unlocking as she falls into my arms

I pick her up in my arms walking to her friend who was dancing with that guy from earlier.

"Hey" I mumble patting her shoulder

"Nandini" she calls shaking her in my arms

"Navu I go with wall" Nandini says from my arms as she flunks both her arms and legs

"Who?" She asks

"Wall, this wall, blind blind. Bye navu" she mumbles cuddling closer in my chest

"Mhm no ma'am, you aren't going anywhere with no wall who is actually a person especially when you are drunk" her friend says

"I won't do anything" I whisper

"As if ill believe that" she snaps

"I could have just taken her home you know but I chose to come here and tell you she isn't well so im taking her home" I say being annoyed

"I don't care"

"Navu bad, I go wall" Nandini mumbles again

"How about I take her to her house" I say

"And you will know where is lives, no way in hell" she mumbles looking at that guy

"Well then come with because she literally face planted into a wall and is now about to pass out" I say

"Why do you even care?" She asks

"Listen stop annoying me, I'm taking her to my house, here is the address if you need anything or think she is in trouble yeah. You probably have her location too. Now bye" I say giving her my phone

She grabs my location really quick and my phone number too

"Damn I like him" her friend says making me smirk

"If you hurt her I will chop your head off" she yells after me

"Im looking forward to it" I yell back 

"Wall you look seen" she says


"Seen, I saw you" she says poking my cheeks

"Yes you have, you remember when?" I ask

"No, ohh wind" she smiles in my arms closing her eyes as I carry her to my car

"I know your licence plate toooo" I hear her friend

"god, just come with me in the car" I say being frustrated

"Oh no no, you go ahead I am following you"

"Whatever" I mumble before placing Nandini in the passenger seat and getting in the driver seat

"Cold" she says hugging herself

I grab my coat from my car that I left before going into the club heading it to her

"Thank you" she mumbles putting on the coat

"You know you shouldn't be getting drunk" I state

"Who say I drunk, I am Nandini" she slurs her words

"Nandini" I whisper

Her head turns to me, I sneak a quick look at her to see her lips formed into a pout. She places her palms on my arm that rested on the arm rest.

"You say again" she says

"Nandini" I mumble again

"Again" she asks

"Nandini" I find myself repeating

"Mhm" she hums sitting back properly

"I feel bad" she says rubbing her head

"We are almost home" I say

"No no window" she says banging at the window

I roll them down and she places her chin on the window ledge looking outside, I didn't live too far away so we were at my house in the next 10 minutes, I did notice navya's car following me the whole time until we reached home and then she backed away and left while I carried Nandini home

"I puke" Nandini says

"What? Now?" I ask

Before she could reply or say anything else she throws up all over me because I had quickly held her in a way that she won't dirty her clothes but mine smelled horrible

"All done?" I ask rubbing her back

"Bad bad" she says pointing at my shirt

shaking my head I take her to the bathroom,

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