"as good a tomato!"

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"What time is is?" "It's about 8:30-ish, Scott and the others want us to go to some party, we don't have to go if you don't want to" "no-no, I'll go, I need some alcohol in my system anyways, just... can you get me some Tylenol?" "If you don't feel well then let's just not go." "I-I want to, please?" Ramona sighs "ok, I'll be right back, don't move" you took the time to call Scott and tell him that you are okay, you call him 2 times before he actually picks up "hey Scott, I'm ok and I'm going to the party" "no, no definitely not, you are going to sit your ass down and rest" "Scott, I'm being serious. I'm ok, Mona is getting me some Tylenol, I'm going" Scott also sighs "ok, be safe, I'll meet you there" as soon as you hung up Ramona came back "hey.. you ok?.." "yep, as good as a tomato!" "What does that even mean?" She asks, chuckling "I honestly don't know" you also chuckle out while she hands you two pills and a glass of water "thank you, doll" "no problem, now hurry up and swallow those, we have a party to attend" when you took the Tylenol you instantly felt better "I'm going to drive" Ramona heavily sighs "Jesus take the wheel"

In the car

"WELL IM NOT A VAMPIRE BUT I FEEL LIKE ONE-" Ramona turns off you're music "I am so done with your emo shit" you guys sit in silence for a few until you turn your music back on "SOMETIMES, I SLEEP ALL DAY, CUZ I HATE THE SUN..LIIIGGHHTTT" "oh my gosh, someone save me."

At the party

"AAAAAAA HIII SCOTT" you screech, running over to Scott "hi y/n" he says in a sigh-like manner, he could tell you were already tipsy, you just got to the party and you already had like 3 shots "soooo.. how are you and knivezzzz???" You say, sitting in between his legs with his arms around your shoulders "We broke up" you gasped so loud that the whole party went quiet for a few "hehe (I hate typing that) sorry" you cock (haha cock) your head to face him"where is your girlfriend?" He stands up and asks "hah.. idk 🤷‍♀️ " he grabs your wrist and drags you over to where your blue-headed girlfriend stands "here. Take her" he tosses you over to Ramona and she hugs you from behind "I was worried about you.. where were you?" She asks, nuzzling into your neck "Oh I was just talking to Scott" you wave over to him and he just rolls his eyes, the waiter hands Ramona her drink, but before she could grab it, you did first "hey! That's my drink!" She says, her chin in your shoulder, you just take a sip "mine now~" you say in a drunken voice "you can't have anymore alcohol, we all know you can't hold it." She walks over to Kim so she can hold her drink. As soon as she walks away your head gets slammed into the table, making your nose bleed and also making you instantly sober up, you turn around, getting ready to smack a bitch, only to see that it was your ex, Roxy Richter "Roxs?" "Missed me? oof I didn't mean to make your nose bleed that bad" she realizes that you nose is bleeding like a water fountain, she grabs a napkin from the counter, wiping your nose and putting some of the napkin she ripped off into your bleeding nostril "done, now where's your girlfriend?" "Why is everybody asking me that? It like she's my mom or something! News flash, she's not-" "answer the damn question!" "Okok! Jeez." You point to the blue haired woman and the redhead that where on the other side of the big room, chitchatting it away, Roxy struts her way over to Ramona and Kim "oh no.. Rox!" You tried to keep up with Roxy, but it was to difficult because of your drunken vision, when you were close enough to yell out to Roxy (and for her to actually hear you) it was to late "Rox! Stop it!" You grab ahold of her but she just shrugged you off, at this point, both Ramona and Kim were looking at you and Roxy getting into a petty argument "what is going on over here?" you hear a familiar voice ask, you and Roxy turn to where the voice was heard "Mona!-" "can it, y/n! I've come to fight you! Ramona flowers" Roxy growls "ughhhhhh.. here we go.."

Time skip

"You will never be able to do this to her!~" Roxy turns into a moaning mess (and money) "well that was traumatizing." "Honestly.."

Ramona Flowers x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora