"Y/n? Really?"

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Beep! Beep! Beep! "Ramona?" You say reaching out your hand to the side of your bed to feel if she's there "oh.. I guess she's at work, luckily I don't have work today"

Knock knock knock! "Knives!.. oh! Hi y/n! Come in!" "Hey Scotty" "hey n/n, how have you been doing?" "Good, me and Ramona have been very healthy, I really need a healthy relationship." "Oh! I have something to tell you, Envy wants us to go to her performance thing tomorrow. She specifically wants you to come tho, me, Steven, Kim, and Neil are going to play" "I don't know if I want to go, I mean, you know how bad she hurt me!" "I understand that but we might be signing with G-man there and we NEED you to come or else none of us are even aloud in" you sigh "ok but we have to make a deal" "what is it?" "If I ever date anyone else which I probably won't, you can't harm them, ok?" "But! I'm one of your evil exes! I have too!" "Gaz is one now so you can "retire" "ok, but I just want you to know that I still love you" he puts a hand on your cheek

"I love you too, Scotty" (not in that way) "maybe in another life" "what is going on?!" You both snap your heads "Wallace! It's not what you think, she's like a sister to me! I've moved on!" Wallace slowly steps back into the bathroom Ring! Ring! "Hello?" "Really? Y/n? Again?" "It wasn't what it looked like! I've moved on!" "Really? So why on god's given earth where you holding her face?" "It was in a comforting way! Y/n is totally like a sister to me!" Stacy scoffs. You grab the phone "Stacy, I swear to fucking god it you tell Ramona I'm going to stab your eyes out, put them on a shish-kabob and grill them, do you understand?" "Is that a threat?" "No. It's a promise" and with that you hung up.

knock! Knock! "I'll get it!" You say "package for Wallace wel-" "hi baby!" Ramona looks up "hi buttercup" she says kissing you on the lips and your heart flutters "what are you doing here?" "Just hanging out with Scott, your shifts almost over right? Let's go get some coffee" "sure but I need Wallace Wells to sign for his package" "I'll sign it for him" Scott barges into the conversation "here" Ramona says, shoving it in Scotts face "sorry for almost killing you" "you're good"

Time skip

"I'm going to go wait at the end for the coffee What are you getting?" "Caramel frappe, thank you for asking~" "order me whatever, as long as it's sweet"she give you a peck before she walks away "hey julie" "don't hey Julie me. I can't believe you bleep! Asked out Ramona even tho I bleep! Asked you not to!" "Sorry I guess? Can I get one caremel frappe and a peppermint blended iced coffee?" "Oh, I bet ones for bleep! Ramona isn't it?" "Yep, and how are you doing that with your mouth?" "Never bleep! How I'm doing it!" You walk to the end to wear Ramona was and see your ex Envy Adams "is that your big ex?" "Yep" "hey n/n" "don't call me that." "Anyways, how have you been doing? It's been what? About a year or so?" "Approximately" "ok, I totally admit that I'm jealous" "jealous? You cheated on me with that pretty boy!" "You haven't even seen his face." "Yea. You cheated on me with someone I haven't even seen." "Ok. Let me get straight to the point. Come to my show tomorrow night?" You sigh "ok, but I'm bringing Ramona." "Order for bleep! L/n" "that's me, bye Envy" "bye n/n"

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