Chapter 121: Pie Piper

Start from the beginning

"Wait, is baking the same as cooking?" Hadley asked.  "Remember the stone soup incident?"

"Oh right."  The girls stopped and thought hard.

"What did Papa Harry say exactly?" Hadley asked.

"He said no cooking without an adult present and literally present, like super nearby," Hailey said slowly.

"Oh uhm...immediate vicinity," Dahlia said.

"Yeah that's it!" Hailey exclaimed.

"Okay.  Well, Mummy is at home working," Hadley said.  "Auntie Luna is here and so is Auntie Daffy.  We can ask to use the oven in one of those homes."

"Wait, did we ever learn if Hedwig counts as an adult or not?" Hailey asked.

"No," Dahlia said glumly.  "Daddy and Auntie Luna and Auntie Hermione got into a long debate about it.  Something about how age is relative to...lifespan and how Hedwig is technically an adult in owl years but it doesn't count for when we need an adult for some reason."

"Well that's dumb," Hailey grumbled.

"We still need to figure out if baking is the same as cooking," Hadley said.

"Let's call Auntie Hermione and ask if we can use her library to check the definition," Dahlia said.

"Why don't we just ask her?" Hadley asked.

"Because she'll probably figure out what we want to do and tell us not to do it," Dahlia said.

"Oh right.  We can call Grandpa Ted too," Hailey suggested.

"Good idea," Dahlia smiled.


"Hmm, I can't find anything about definitions of cooking," Dahlia said, looking through the very large book of legal terms they pulled off Hermione's library bookshelf.  She had paged through it and did not find any of the information she was looking for.

"Auntie Hermione doesn't have any cookbooks or books about food really," Hadley said, looking along the shelves.

"We have plenty at home, let's go," Dahlia said and carefully put the legal glossary book back.  The bunnies traipsed back to the Potter home.  They pulled down the various cookbooks and paged through them.

"None of these say if cooking and baking are the same or not," Hailey huffed.

"Let's call Grandpa Ted," Dahlia said.  She took the main mirror off of the stand and held it in both hands.  "Grandpa Ted," she said brightly and clearly.  The mirror's surface shimmered like oil on metal and after a few moments, Ted's image appeared.  "Hi Grandpa!"

"Hi Dally!  Hi girls!" Ted said with a broad smile.  "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, Grandpa.  Sorry to bother you, but we had a question.  Do you have a moment?"

"Of course, you caught me at a good time, I'm between clients.  What can I do for you?"

"Is baking and cooking the same?"

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