[4]: Spill the Tea

Start from the beginning

Her eyes, which sparkle like two copper coins, widen when she catches sight of your face. It's an honestly very adorable expression, but considering your identity, you're certain it doesn't come from a place of happiness.

"L-Lady Corella!" A look of shock flickers across her face. Although Runa only has a simple commoner dress on, her manners are refined enough to immediately bow her head at the sight of you. "Pardon me, my lady, how may I be of service?"

You raise an brow at her reaction before it clicks in your head. Was Lady Corella's reputation that bad that even the townsfolk had heard of her before? Yikes...

Well, you suppose you could start cleaning up your name one step at a time.

"Howdy! I'm here to pick up a prescription I was prescribed." You wave at her, earning a surprised look and a side-eye. You can instantly tell who the side-eye belongs to. Next to you, Claire reaches into her dress pocket and pulls out the prescription paper, handing it to the shop keeper. She takes it and inspects it carefully.

"Oh! It's written on here that you need a lavender tea-brew to help sleep better at night." Her eyes dart up to make contact with yours. Suddenly, she's squinting to get a better look at your face. "Your skin looks flawless though! You haven't been sleeping well, my lady?"

"Yeah, I could use a couple more hours of sleep every night not gonna lie. Thanks for the kind words, but Claire helped me apply three layers of concealer to hide my eyebags."

Said maid throws you another side glance, as if saying "My lady... please mind your words!". Of course, you're only guessing that she's trying to say that. You don't have any actual proof, thus you don't really give a shit.

"Is that right?" Runa's eyes are wide once again, looking back and forth between you and Claire. "She did a wonderful job of blending, it looks completely natural!"

This time, Claire bows her head.

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Runa. Though, could you go fetch my lady's prescription? I'm afraid we're on a tight schedule."

Runa puts her hands over her mouth, mimicking the surprised monkey emoji.

"Oh! Surely, of course! Pardon me, I'll be right back. In the meanwhile feel free to look around the shop! Maybe something might catch your eye, hehe." She hurries over to the shop's backroom, leaving you alone with Claire. Once she's gone, you glance at your maid with an amused expression.

"Did you just lie out of your ass?"

"Pardon?!" her eyes bulge out, ready to pop out of their sockets. You quickly push them back in before they can.

"I mean, did you lie about our schedule? I don't think we're doing anything today besides picking up my prescription."

Claire blinks, readjusting her hair after messing it up due to her shock from the vulgar phrase you uttered.

"I thought that we can explore the town after this. Oh, um, only if that's what my lady wishes for, of course. Though, um," her eyes dart in a different direction, "this has been the first time in years that I've accompanied you outside, thus I'm not too familiar with the places my lady favors."

Huh? But didn't Claire say she had been serving Lady Corella for over seven years?

When passing out on your first day here, you recalled regaining memories of your past life and Transcendental Savior. However, you had received little to none memories of the villainess herself. But obviously, whoever transported you into this world wasn't going to let you play on easy mode. Nope. They were gonna make you suffer as much as possible, but jokes on them, you had every intention of enjoying your stay in this poorly-made PC visual novel.

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