Chapter 2 - An unexpected encounter

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I watch Hollow-tree pass by as I fly above on my bumblebee, Dart. At least I won't be totally alone when I arrive at Grassland, the Capital city of Green Meadow. I found it harder to leave Mum and Blossom than I thought. I know how difficult it is for Mum to hear about Dad risking his life everyday for the King and Queen but I've always had this dream of doing something extraordinary with my life and what could be more extraordinary than becoming a Musketeer, being part of the special agents of the King himself? I have to, at least, try.   

I fly all day, crossing villages, ponds and deserted places. It's weird to think that tomorrow, I'll officially be a trainee to become one of the best soldiers in all of Green Meadow. I've waited two years and it's finally happening. And if I'm lucky enough, I could work in my father's company. 

I stop every now and then for Dart, and decide to spend the night in an inn just outside the Golden Forest. The air is getting colder as Dart begins his landing. I take the saddle off his back and let him fly free to the nearest patch of flowers.

"Enjoy your free time, big boy." Dart buzzes as he prepares to leave. I keep an eye on him for a couple of minutes, watching him meeting a small swarm of bees. They all seem unsettled but eventually let him choose a flower to eat from. He's my very first bumblebee so I take it very seriously to look after him. 

It's my turn now to mix with people. I'm not particularly shy but I'm always on guard. I don't know if it's my father's teaching or if I developed it on my own but I don't give my trust easily. 

I take a long breath and push the double doors of the inn. I don't have the time enter, the sound of a carriage arriving makes me turn around. The dark sky makes it difficult to see what is happening. I shouldn't care about it, I don't know anyone here, but a gnawing feeling stops me from leaving the scene. And adding to the heavy atmosphere, light rain starts to fall lazily.

I squint my eyes to look at the people moving around the carriage. The sound of buzzing draws my curiosity to a higher level. Never have I ever seen flying ants being teamed together. These animals are so wild it's difficult to train them. Everything in these beasts display power and a form of darkness. The more I look at them the more I notice their nervousness, the way their nostrils flare and the fact that their wings don't seem to be willing to rest indicates that it would be easy for them to fly off at any given moment.  

The coachman doesn't seem to be impressed by their behaviour, he gets off his seat and walks to the door, revealing for a brief moment the person inside. I catch my breath when I meet, only for a second, a set of golden eyes, glistening in the moonlight, and long jet black hair hiding most their face. The person moves closer to the door to speak to the coachman, revealing it's a lady elf. A smile spreads on her face as she catches my eye before hiding herself in the shadow of her carriage. Who is that woman? 

"Are you coming in or what? Your indecision is about to put out the fire!" I'm taken aback as the inn keeper - a big, brown bug-looking elf with antennas - looks angrily at me. As I'm about to answer, the ants rear before taking off as fast as the wind. 

"Do you know who was in this carriage?", I ask, pointing at the dust where the coach was seconds ago.


"Just wondering."

"No. Are you coming in or not?"

I walk in and gladly receive the heat of the chimney. It has been a long day and there is nothing better than a hot meal and rest to continue my journey. I take a seat away from the crowd amassed around the bar, next to a window. My mind rewinds everything that happened today and I can't help myself but replay the scene that took place a short while ago.

"That's my seat, boy." I turn my eyes from the window to the person in front of me.

"I beg your pardon, sir?"

"That", he points at the table, "is my seat. And..." He doesn't have the time to finish, he falls on the table in a loud thud. At first I think he passed out from drinking but a small pool of blood starts to spread across the wooden piece of furniture. I quickly get up. 

"Help! There's a man dying here!" I shout as I turn the body to see what happened. Nobody moves as if they didn't hear me. 

"Take...this..." The man - a water elf judging by his blue skin and waterlily leather clothing - hands me a note, soaked with purple blood. "Stop...her..." These are his last words before his eyes roll and his chest stops moving. I look closely at him. A sword hangs on his waist. The poor guy didn't have the time to use it before meeting his fate. What catches my eye, though, is the crest on his vest. Two swords crossed. A musketeer.  

I take a look at the bloody note, hoping to find where it comes from. The seal is a ladybug spreading its wings. I can't help but see the face of the woman in the carriage, with her golden eyes and black hair. I hadn't noticed it earlier but I'm pretty sure I saw a red cape when she moved back inside the coach. She's an insect elf. She could be the murderer. Now, I only have to find out why. turns out leaving my uneventful town is going to be more interesting than I thought.   


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