How it started

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Y/n woke up to a lab looking room. They gotten up from the sofa and realized that their sword was gone. But their blindfold was still on thankfully. They walked around and till a guy in dark blue hair came out the shadows. "I see your awake." *he said with a evil smile. "Where am I who are you." They said as they were about to use there magic. "My name is mephisto and your in darkfall." He says. They didn't like him knowing he has tentacles and don't trust him as my power rages up. But then all the sudden a guy comes behind them and held me it was some guy with grey hair. "What are you doing to me!?" I yelled struggling to escape "don't worry I just need to put this on you." He held a collar and it looked like it can keep me from using my powers. He puts it on and it activated I still had my fighting skills but were weak to them. "Oh how rude of me. My name is Nergal. What's yours?" He says. I didn't answer back but said. "Why would I say my name?" I said " because what else we would call you?" *he stares with a creepy smile. "I never say my name to people that are a threat to me" They said. They both looked at them and said "well we'll just call you subject or butler/maid hm?" Mephisto said. "Fine y/n is my name happy now??" They said. "Very" he says. Nergal let me go as I tried to take off the collar but ended up shocking myself. "Oh I forgot to say if you try to take it off it will shock you." Mephisto smiles. "What else are you gonna do with me huh?" They said with a pissed off voice. "Just to assist us since your healing power is useful as well as your fighting skills." He says. Nergal had left the room smiling but he said before he left. "I'll see you in a bit y/n." And left. They stared at the door as he left I wanted to find my sword. But I felt a grab behind me and Mephisto said "don't you dare think about escaping.." He stared at me with a creepy look. And he left. They sat their thinking what to do. "Wait. I can look around they didn't say I can wonder heh" They got up and got out the room and looked around. They walked around the place till they herd some sound from the dungeon. They walked away cause it was the sound of moans. For the past few hours they walked around the place and reading books. "Oh their you are" A guy in red hair opened the door " who are you??" As they closed the book. "I'm beryl" (I forgot how to spell his name lol) He says while is tail is wagging. "What do you want from me?" They said with a annoyed face"
"Mephisto had summoned you to his office." He says as his tail still wags. "Tch" They placed the book back where it was and headed out.

They walked to the guys lab. "What? I wanna get back to reading" They said with a annoyed tone. "Ah I need you to heal my friend here." He said. "Why can't you do it yourself??" They said. "Your healing power don't required stamina." He said with a smirk. "Then take this off"They said.
"Don't do anything dum.." As he took off the collar. They thought once they finish healing this person they can use their power to escape. "Go heal Leon"
He said. They assumed it was the blonde guy who was sleeping. They did what he asked then used their a bit of their insanity power on his lab which destroyed a lot of his stuff. "HEY!" he yells as I ran out the door.

Y/n POV:

I could hear his tentacles reach out for me all I had was a dagger so I used it. I slashed the tentacles until a guy with grey hair came out of nowhere and caught me by my shirt and pulled me up by the collar of my shirt. I used my powers but the collar was put on me. I was pissed. Then it shocked me badly. I screamed in pain. "What did I say y/n.. No escaping... For punishment--" Mephisto said with a mad grin. While I was getting shocked.. It hurt so bad. He finally stopped shocking me. I was pissed when I listen what he said. I had to be a butler/Maid. At least I don't have to go through weird stuff. I wonder they didn't hurt me or hit me. I rolled my eye and the guy in grey hair put me down and i went to put on the uniform. It was uncomfortable- I hated it plus it wasn't my style.

Long hair people: I tied my hair (hair tied style)

Short hair people: I fixed my hair and perfected it

Medium:(same as short)

I walked out and Mephisto and Nergal was stand there."What?" I stood there confused. "You look nice in that" Mephisto said while a smile
"I hate this especially the collar-" I tugged on the suits collar. "Your gonna go with me first" Nergal said as he started walking slowly waiting for me to follow so thats what I did. As he walled down the hallway leading me somewhere it was quite odd.

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