Y/n info

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Name: Y/n
Power: healing, strength, insanity
Role: General and a fighter
Hair: your choice (H/C)
eyes: your choice ( E/C)
Cloths: blind fold a belt with sword cover, a white shirt. Pretty much a medieval look.
Weapon: Sword

Y/n POV:

I was having a normal day training as usual once I finished I head towards the doors. Till I saw a portal appear I took out my sword ready to fight. but no one went through and then someone pushed me in.. I went through the portal and fell. I looked around and I was in some room.. But I herd odd things outside and headed out as I still have my sword still unsheathed. I went out seeing three guys.. One was being held up by tentacles. He looked like he didn't liked it. I decided to rescue him cause he looked uncomfortable. I went to find a away to get down as I did I herd other guys in the distance. I made sure no one herd me and then all the sudden I blacked out.

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