Chapter 7- Contemplating

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Luke's pov:

"Would you like me to teach you how to make that dish I made yesterday?" Din asked as we walked through the ship together.

Quickly and excitedly I nodded, "Yes of course!" I gleamed.

It was early in the morning and we hadn't brought up last night at all but I could sense it was bubbling up - he would ask eventually. I completely understand why he would bring my dreams up but I prayed that he didn't.

"Okay so in that pot your going to put..." Din started talking but i wasn't exactly listening. I was thinking about a multitude of things : my dreams, what Obi-wan had said, the genocide, the purge, the cave, dins hands holding my hands.

Wait what?!

I looked down abruptly and Din's hands were laced in mine as he stood behind me showing me how to stir the mixture. "There you go." He smiled, "If you kept on doing it the way you were it would of been all lumpy and we would have cold and hot patches."

I laughed and nodded, "I didn't realise it was such a precise science." I joked and continued stirring the pot the way he had shown me. As I stirred I slipped back into my thoughts.

Were those dreams soulmate dreams? No they cant be. When I learnt started my Jedi training all my soulmate dreams stopped. But then again I haven't been able to use the force as of late. If they are soulmate dreams, I feel awful for my soulmate. None of those dreams were pleasant in the slightest, they must of lived a life of pain and suffering.

My head snapped up again when Din said, "And then we just add a pinch of some ground up, dried berries and," he dropped them in, "perfect! Just keep stirring and it should be done within five minutes." He smiled.

I watched as the mixture in the pot slowly turned a beautiful shade of dark magenta. I could smell the berries and it was honestly making me feel quite hungry. But my body ignored that as my thoughts went back to my dreams and the force.

Din tapped my shoulder, "Were you alright last night? You seemed frightened from something." He said looking down at me through his helmet.

As I slowly continued stirring and looking at his helmet I said, "Oh just another bad dream I suppose." I shrugged and then turned back to the pot.

"That looks done now." He turned off the heat, "How about we serve it up and you can talk about what's troubling you if you want." He suggested.

"That would be nice." I nodded in agreement. We put the porridge into two bowls and picked up some wooden spoons and sat down. I put the blindfold around my eyes and Din took his mask off.

As we both ate Din asked, "Is it a reoccurring nightmare?"

After swallowing my food I said, "No. It is more of a reoccurring theme if anything."

"Theme?" He questioned. I hummed to confirm. "What kind of theme?"

"Genocide, murder, a purge. Although last night was slightly different, I was in a cave. It looked... holy? I don't know, but then I had a vision of a purge." I said slowly and a slight bit anxiously.

"A purge? I would suggest these are soulmate dreams, do you think they are?" He asked.

"I don't know. At the start of these dreams im usually in this weird white void with a loved one that has passed. They say something that sounds wise but in reality extremely confusing. Then they disappear and the nightmares begin." Why was I telling him all of this? He was a total stranger but I guess it just felt right.

"I don't exactly know what to say. Just know that if you need to talk to me day or night im completely fine with that." He said.

"Thank you Din, you have been very kind to me these past few days." I thanked him.

"It really is no trouble." He said, "Oh and also this isn't bad for your first time making it." He said sweetly.

I laughed a bit, "What you mean is its awful and you don't have the heart to tell me?" I joked.

As he spoke I could hear the smile come through his voice, "No genuinely. Its a difficult dish to make, and for this to be your first time making it, well... I am impressed. Took me years to make mine remotely the same temperature all the way through." He laughed.

I joined him in laughing, "Im sure it wasn't that bad."

"Oh it was, if really was." He told it like a cautionary tale.

We finished up our food and he put his helmet back on and I took the blindfold off. We cleaned up a bit and then decided to just relax and lay down.

We were laying in a comforting quiet when Din said, "You don't think these dreams could be visions or something do you? I just heard some people get vision. Maybe its not made up, maybe its a warning." He thought about it.

I contemplated his idea for a minute, "It sounds plausible, but I don't think it is. I just get this sense that they are from the past you know?" I realised I was making it sound like I had visions (which I did, but he couldn't know that). "They're just bad dreams anyway. Not anything to worry about, they just startle me a bit."

"They worry me though," he replied. Oh my stars, why does he have to be such a sweetheart? "I want to make sure you are Bally and feel safe, especially when your in my ship and we are going to be here for a while. I don't want you to feel in fear in anyway. Especially not if its to do with me."

I smiled at his kindness, "Thats sweet Din, but this defiantly doesn't have anything to do with you. Im probably just being a baby, they're probably not even that scary." I joked but j don't think he found it that funny.

He leaned into me, "I just want to make sure your happy."

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Oooo. Also for some reason I really struggle coming up with synonyms for 'said' when it comes to Din because he doesn't show his face. Like he cant 'beam' or anything like that because we cant see his face.
I just feel like it sounds boring and really repetitive? Have yall got any alternatives that I could use because I could really use them.

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