Chapter 2- Stubborn

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Luke's pov:

Boba's confussion made me snort, I knew he was joking, "I mean I know you've got all this new beskar armour and all but did you really think I wouldn't recognise you?" His armour looked the exact same except for the fact that it was cleaner and a whole lot shinier.

He reached out his hand again pulling me up to my feet, "My names Din Djarin. I don't know who this Boba you speak of is?" I could hear confusion in his voice. Was this really not Boba? Or was he still joking. I didn't even know at this point.

"Oh sorry, Din Djarin, you and my friend have extremely similar armour. What are you doing on this planet anyway? And who was that?" I said looking down at the dead body lying at my feet with a slight bit of disgust.

He began walking and for some reason, I followed. He turned to me, "Im a bounty hunter, that was one of my bounty's. Usually I would be leaving now but the bastard blew my engines so I cant until I have those fixed, which is dam impossible on a planet with only trees." He said looking around the planet.

Immediately I stopped walking and he did so to, "I have a few things in my ship that could help if you want me to go and get them? I also need to grab some stuff to set up camp anyway." I rushed back to my ship getting things that could help fix the engine and some cloth and poles to build a small tent for my stay.

Once I had rushed back over to who I now know is Din Djarin he looked at me for a minute then said, "You know how to fix a ship?" He asked resting his hand on his hip.

I nodded, "Of course I know how to fix a ship. I didn't grow up on the lonely sand bucket called Tatooine for nothing. Its pretty much in my blood to fix ships." I joked. He still stood there looking a little shocked. "I would help you fix it now so you could be on your way but its looking a little dark. Best to wait till morning." I smiled at him.

He slowly nodded, "I... agree."

We continued walking and eventually a slightly battered ship came into view, "Holy stars!" I said then turned to him, "This ship pre-dates the empire." I rushed over to look at it a bit closer, "How did you manage to get your hands on this beauty?"

He shrugged, "I have connections I guess. Its good, it flies under the radar, can't be detected."

I laughed, "Don't be shocked if you wake up and I've stole this." I joked. I looked at the man though and he seemed to tense up a bit, I don't think he found it very funny, "I wouldn't actually do that of course, just joking. Its a very nice ship though."

He stood there a bit awkwardly, "Yeah. Thanks." I think he's still worried I'm going to run off with his ship. Don't know how I would though when the engines don't work.

"Do you mind if I set up camp relatively near you? In case, well someone tries to shoot either one of us again." I asked partially laughing.

He nodded, "Yeah sure, if you need anything just knock." And he went inside his ship.

I started assembling some form of tent. Tent building may not be one of my greatest strengths but it looked sturdy enough to survive at least one night. I could find something better in the morning. It was a bit open and a bit chilly but that was nothing an extra layer couldn't fix.

As I started settling down to go to sleep I heard Din's ship door open and close. I looked out to see him, "Hey?"

"Hey. It says theres going to be a rain storm. Your tents nice but it wont survive a rainstorm here. I would recommend you come in here with me so you don't die." He said slightly awkwardly. Before I could respond he said, "you don't have to of course but I'd rather you didn't, you know, die."

I quickly gathers the few belongings I had in my tent and rushed over to his ship where he let me inside. "Thank you so much. I wasn't aware of this planets extreme weather patterns. The interior of your ship is very nice as well by the way." I looked around. It really was. Sure, it was a bit dark and a tad dull but it was cozy and looked kind of mysterious.

"Oh, thank you. Hey you never told me earlier, what are you doing on this planet?" He asked sitting down.

What was I meant to say? Im a Jedi my fathers dead and I cant use the force. I could say that but decided it was best to avoid mentioning it. So instead I said, "Just looking for a break. Haven't really found anywhere to stay for a while and this planet sounded nice." That was partially true. Sort of like a white lie.

"Ah I see. Well if you want to go to sleep there is a bed down there. Its not big obviously its on a ship." He offered.

"Thats very kind thank you. But where are you going to sleep?" I asked. I didn't want to intrude and kick him out of his own bed on his own ship.

"Oh Ill... I'll find somewhere. Its not problem." He said.

"I cant come here after you've so graciously offered to save me from the rain and saved my life earlier and then take your bed. You take it, I'll sleep on one of these chairs." I smiled.

"No, that would be rude. You are my guest so you deserve the better treatment." He retorted. He doesn't back down does he?

"We could share it then? Then we both get the bed. It looks big enough." I offered. I don't know what made me say that but something did and I wasn't totally against the idea.

He folded his arms, "Im a mandolorian. It is against my creed for me to remove my helmet and for someone to see my face. I don't necessarily feel like sleeping in my helmet its uncomfortable. So you take the bed and I will find somewhere else to sleep." He said.

Nice try but I can also make excuses, "I'll blindfold myself then. That way I cant see your face, you can sleep without your helmet on and we can both be comfortable."

He sighed, "Fine blindfold it is then."

"You know, your quite stubborn. In a nice caring way though." I laughed. It was true. He was willing to be uncomfortable tonight to make sure his guest slept comfortably. I wouldn't do that. Its my bed, I sleep in it.

"I am a mandolorian, its practically in my blood." He said quoting something I had said earlier.

1195 words
Straight in with the one bed trope. God I love it so much!

Unpredicted encounter ~ dinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now