Leave me, Love me

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"What." I bluntly replied staring back at my work, Noah knew this wasn't like me as I never did my work - I never even cared about it one bit.

Noah was pretty concerned for me, I could tell due to the sad look in his eyes.. or was he just tired? I couldn't tell.


"Cody your scaring me," I looked at him pleading for an answer though he just shrugged and turned away. What was up with him? Was it because of the kiss, did he think I hated it?

In reality I wished I could re-live that moment again - minus the destroying my room part, my parents gave me a good lecture afterwards!

All good things must come to an end though and it seemed that's where our confusing relationship was headed, were we friends? Lovers? Did Cody now hate me? I hoped he didn't, I really wanted to date him though I wasn't sure if he was straight now - I could have a chance!

I decided to wait until band rehearsal at the end of the day to talk to him, he needed some space and I promised Eva I would help her with her homework if she taught me some dodgeball skills.

Eva was a pretty good teacher though if I'm honest not the best learner, it took us the whole of break to complete one homework page.

At lunch Cody sat by himself on the bench, he just glared at me if I tried to sit down so I just sat with Owen and Izzy for a bit, Cody needed time to himself at the moment.

The rest of my lessons were painful, English with Mrs Smith and Technology with Mr Hunt were the most boring lessons I think I've ever stepped foot in! I usually loved English but that teacher made me want to commit 10 hate crimes.

Once on the first day this bitch said "yes, the Spanish kid at the back of the class?" I'm fucking Indian, stupid cunt. I hope she kills herself and her family, I feel bad for her children for having that bitch as a mother. I couldn't stand being around her an hour a day never mind 24/7 since your first second on earth!

It was finally the end of the day and I was excited to speak to Cody at band practice, sure enough when I got there he was stood chatting with Harold! I had to talk to him in private, but how?

Cody didn't really speak to me unless it was him directing us so this wasn't going to plan at all. After a full 15 minutes of high tension between us Cody finally got up to go to the toilet, this was my chance!

I excused myself as Harold stared with a confused expression on his face, I didn't care and darted to the boys toilets. Cody looked surprised to see me there - was he.. crying?

"Cody I-" I began to speak but he interrupted me.

"Noah I know you don't like me it's fine we can just go back to how it was when we pretending we both didn't exist!" Cody said sarcastically while he stared at himself in the mirror crying.

"Cody - no!" I shouted which startled him a bit before I began.

"Cody I've loved you for ages can't you see? Even if I didn't, some kiss shouldn't ruin whatever our relationship is now!" I proudly exclaimed hugging Cody. Woah.. did I actually do that?

Cody looked at me with tears in his eyes before he rested his head on my shoulder and cried, "let it out Coco."

Cody looked at me a bit surprised while laughing a bit, "Coco?" He was now in hysterics, what was so funny?

"I don't see the problem with that, Coco," I grinned at Cody. He looked quite taken aback but then began to reply after a couple seconds of still silence.

"I like it.." he whispered kissing me on the cheek. I almost felt like I was going to faint right then and there in the bathroom. That would hurt..

I was still a little confused I though,

"what are we?" Cody finished my train of thought by looking at me expectinly. Was he stupid or what? I wanted to be his boyfriend!

"Hmm I wonder," I teased tapping my chin with my index finger.

"Noahhh!" Cody whined, pulling my arm while looking at me pleadingly, wow he really wanted to embarrass me today didn't he?

"Fine, Cody uh- boyfriends?" I stammered, a bit unsure on what to actually say to him. Cody just laughed nodding his head and hugging me even more tightly.

"NOAH, CODY?" I heard the voice of the weird ginger anime kid shout, getting closer to the bathrooms. We quickly pulled apart and ran out to see Harold a bit annoyed.

"Where were you? I was waiting for 10 minutes!" We really took that long? I looked at Cody but even he was struggling to find an excuse.

"Uh Cody needed help re-applying mascara," that was so bad! What are we? 12?

"Mhmm," Harold still looked suspicious but just shrugged it off and followed us back to the music room.

The next hour me and Cody laughed and giggled while trying to come up with music, luckily Harold was there. If not, I'm not even sure we would have been able to come up with anything reasonable.

Our rendition of the song "carousel," seemed to sound okay for the time being. Once we were satisfied, we packed up and left the music room.

Cody decided he would walk me home even though he lived a 20 minute walk away.

"Cody are you sure?" I asked a bit confused but also thrilled he wanted to spend time with me.

"Isn't that what boyfriends do?" Cody winked and grabbed onto my hand, was I in heaven? I snapped out of my trance when Cody spoke again.

"Sooo.. here's your house!" Cody exclaimed letting go of my hand, I was pretty annoyed as I wanted him holding my hand to last forever. Had I been daydreaming that long?

"Thanks Coco," I replied and hugged Cody tight. Cody pecked me slightly on the lips and pulled away nervously.

"Soo see you tomorrow!" Cody sang and began to walk away.

"I love you," I tried to whisper under my breath but Cody heard.

"Tell that to my face next time," Cody grinned at me winking and turning back the way he was going. Gosh he was so cringey yet so adorable, why did I love this man?

I knew exactly why, his pale teal eyes, innocent personality, fluffy, light, brown hair and gapped smile made me melt. I was in love.

Battle of the Bands [Noco Fanfiction]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora