Treating With Renly

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"There's no need for that. Lady Stark is an honored guest." Renly told her.

"Has your son mqrched against Tywin Lannister yet?" Loras asked, causing Catelyn to turn to him.

"I do not sit on my son's war councils," she told him. "And if I did, I would not share his strategies with you."

"If Robb Stark wants a pack with us, he should come here himself, not hide behind his mother's skirts." Loras said.

"My son is fighting a war, not playing at one."

Renly chuckled and stood, leaving the dais and walking over to Catelyn.

"Don't worry, my lady. Our war is just beginning."

Renly and Catelyn left as Margaery watched, annoyed.

Renly and Catelyn walked side by side, with Brienne behind them when they encountered a man with a horse.

"Your Grace."

"Gerard. How's your foot?"

"Better, Your Grace." Gerard patted his horse. "They don't know their own size is all."

"Good man." Renly said as he and his company continued walking.

"I have a hundred thousand men at my command. All the might of the Stormlands and the Reach."

"And all of them young and bold like your Knight of Flowers? It's a game to you, isn't it? I pity them."


"Because it won't last. Because they are the knights of summer and winter is coming." Catelyn told him.

"Brienne, escort Lady Catelyn to her tent. She's tired from her journey."

"At once, Your Grace. Shall I return after?"

"That won't be necessary. I would pray awhile. Alone."

Renly departed with his guards, leaving Brienne and Catelyn to continue together.

"If you'll follow me, my lady."

"You fought bravely today, Lady Brienne."

"I fought for my king. Soon I'll fight for him on the battlefield. Die for him if I must. And, if it please you, Brienne's enough. I'm no lady."

Brienne continued walking, while Catelyn lagged behind, a small smile on her face.

[Stormlands - Renly's Chambers]

Renly and Loras had finally found the time to sneak away. They were now in Renly's chambers, kissing passionately. Renly brought Loras to the bed and sat astride him. Renly removed his own shirt, kissed Loras, and undid his shirt. He saw the heavy bruising on Loras' chest.

"That must hurt."

Loras refused to kiss him, pouting.

"What? What is it?"

Loras scoffed. "A member of the Kingsguard? As if I wasn't humiliated enough already."

"Brienne is a very capable warrior." He kissed Loras, who pulled back. "And she's devoted to me. You're jealous."

"Jealous? Of Brienne the Beauty? Don't make me laugh."

"I'll make it up to you." Renly moved to remove Loras' pants, but Loras grabbed his hands.

"No, Your Grace. Not tonight. There's another Tyrell who requires your attention. You didn't win my father's support or his army on charm alone."

Renly lied down, dejected, but then decided to try to seduce Loras one more time, however Loras resisted.

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