0 | I won't forget the feeling

Start from the beginning

"How many games have we played?" Rae asked. "Four?"

"Yeah, I think four," Noah agreed.

"Anyone down to keep going? Or do we want to end here? Or LG?"

"LG!" Miyoung exclaimed.

"I can do LG," Tina said.

"Luna?" Rae stated, and Luna temporarily snapped out of her moment of despair. "What'cha feeling?"

She cleared her throat before unmuting herself. "I can do LG."

Rae then started the queue. Luna muted herself again and let out a deep breath. One more. She could do one more. Then she could curl up under her covers and forget about everything for a while. Suddenly, her phone screen lit up. She glanced over to see it was a text from Noah.

You okay? You just seem a little quiet

Curse him for knowing her so well, considering she hadn't told him she was feeling down. Luna opened up her phone and texted back I'm okay. A blatant lie, but she didn't want him to worry about her. It was just an off day, she could suck it up.

Except she couldn't. As the game went on, and she just kept dying, and dying, and dying, the overwhelmed feeling multiplied by a hundred. She suddenly saw her vision get blurry, and tears started to flow down her cheeks. It was so stupid that she was crying over a video game, but the thought of that just made her cry more. The tears were making it hard to see the screen, and they kept dropping onto her desk. She was glad she was muted, because all the sniffles would've definitely given her away.

Luna had died every single round and barely got any kills again, but the others had carried them to another victory after a really long game. Her crying had subsided a bit, she wasn't sobbing as much anymore, but the tears still wouldn't stop. She wiped some off of her cheeks with the sleeve of Noah's sweatshirt.

They all said their goodbyes to each other — Luna typing hers in the Valorant chat — before dispersing. Luna logged out of her account and turned off her PC before putting her face in her hands. She just sat there for a moment, trying to regulate her breathing. All she had to do was just calm down, there was no reason to be overreacting like this, she was fine—

She then heard a knock on her front door downstairs. Luna picked her head up, her eyebrows knitting in confusion. Definitely couldn't be Mary Jane because she was in London. It couldn't be Karl or Nolan because they were filming. That only left one person who could be knocking at her door at this time of night, but she could've sworn he was just streaming a second ago.

Luna pushed herself up off of her chair, wiping her face furiously with the sleeves before putting the hood over her head. She descended down the stairs, her footsteps echoing throughout the house. Luna then walked up to her door, unlocked it, and opened it.

And . . . yep, sure enough, Noah was standing there.

Noah looked down at her, taking in the tears in her eyes and the tracks over her blotchy face, and frowned. "I knew it."

"Knew what?" Luna replied.

"That you weren't okay." Noah stepped into the house when Luna stepped aside, and he took off his shoes as he watched her closely. "You get really quiet when you're sad, and you weren't talking at all."

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄  ―  foolish_gamers  ✓Where stories live. Discover now